Ninjas are not demon consorting freaks just freaks

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****Here's chapter 17. I hope you enjoy this chapter. This chapter is dedicated to Firestar0135 for her awesome support of my story so far. Side pic is Akemi. I've been kind of wondering how Akemi has so many outfits when she is technically poor. My own character is a mystery to me too, huh wow, nothing to say to that...... Well I hope you like this chapter. Btw might be late but my name's Jade. It's a pleasure to finally meet everyone.****


My mind was blank, the first thing I noticed was the darkness. I then noticed my eyes were closed. ~Oh that was stupid of me which means I'm still sick~ I opened my eyes to only see white. White walls, white floors, white sheets, white room. This must either be Heaven or someone really screwed up with the bleach when they were doing laundry. I looked around the room then decided to get up. I got off the bed on my feet to only stumble to the ground. I tried to get up but my feet were too unsteady and weak to lift myself up. I was in a plain white hospital gown. ~Huh I didn't know Heaven had a hospital.~ "Akemi!" I heard a unison of voices say plus the sound of the door behind me. I turned around to see all of Team 7 and Team 10.

I looked at them in confusion. "What are you guys doing in Heaven? You're not dead." I stopped to think. "Did Saya and Mimi kill you guys? Cause I can scold them for you if you want." They looked at me in bewilderment. Naruto was the first to move, he hugged me tight.

"Akemi! You're okay! I'm sorry I yelled at you!" He kept hugging me. I just looked at everyone in confusion still. Naruto suddenly pulled back. "Whoa! Akemi, you're burning hot!" I fell back to the ground.

"Mmmmm, why are you guys here? The living can't enter Heaven." I recited some lesson I was taught back from when I was little.

"Akemi you're still alive. This isn't Heaven." Pirate said slowly for some reason.

"This isn't Heaven?"


"Awww." Then I started giggling. "Then someone really had fun with some bleach and white paint."

"No one did. You're in the hospital because your sick from overworking yourself." I giggled again.

"Of course I'm sick silly Pirate. I've been sick since we got out of the Forest of Death." I giggled again. Shika came over and helped me up but since I coudn't keep myself up Shika let me lean on him. He along with everyone else looked surprised about what I said.

"You knew you were sick the entire time." Sasuke asked getting a little angry for some reason. I nodded my head happily then giggled.

"I actually only found out during the preliminaries. Plus healing Lee put major stress on my body." I said while talking seriously for a second then giggling again.

"You knew you were sick but still healed Lee!" Pirate actually lost his cool yelling at me. Naruto started looking guilty.

"Why does everyone look so angry? I did what you wanted, right?" Pirate and Sasuke looked angry at me. Naruto looked guilty and sad. Sakura, Asuma, Ino, Shika, and Choji looked at me in disbelief.

"How could you do something that dangerous and not consider your own health!?" Pirate yelled at me again. I stopped giggling and was now frowning. Sasuke 'hmphed' in agreement along with pretty much everyone else in the room.

"Why are you yelling at me? I did what you wanted!" Pirate looked surprised that I yelled at him. I was starting to get angry at them. I did what they asked only to get yelled at. This is just like at my village. I would do exactly what they wanted me to do from the scrolls only for them to also get angry at me. I wanted their praise for being able to do such difficult rituals. They only got angrier every time I succeeded in accomplishing another one. My anger was starting to lash out at Pirate. I pushed Shika away from me, standing from my anger. "You're being just like my old village! I would be able to obtain the powers they wanted so bad only for them to hate me more! I wanted their praise for being able to get it! They only hated me more! I got so many scars whenever my father or the villagers saw me using my powers!" At the mention of what my village did to me my team looked extremely protective of something. I wasn't paying attention though I was too angry to think straight anymore. "It's not fair! I do what everyone wants but no one ever thanks me!" I was starting to break down from my horrible memories of the villagers. "Why are you yelling at me!?" My knees finally gave out. My rage turned to sadness. I sat on the ground starting to cry softly. "I knew I shouldn't settle down in a village. Because no one will want me or need me. One day you'll say you don't need me. I don't know what to do anymore. It's too hard to try to please everyone!" I was mumbling to myself quietly. Since I was the only one making noise in the room though they all heard what I was saying. I felt a pair of arms around me, they were so comfortable. I knew once my fever went down I would hate myself for openly showing people how weak I was but I just wanted the comfort of the person near me right now. My grip on whoever's shirt tightened while I just cried on them soon enough I fell asleep in the person's arms.

~Naruto Fanfic~ What is wrong with these freaks from Hell *cough* I mean KonohaWhere stories live. Discover now