Pirate is training us to be squirrels

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*****I  DON'T OWN NARUTO. Here's chapter 9. I'm sorry to say but updates are going to be slow after this. I got final exams and I rather like to not fail and repeat a grade. Thanks to everyone who's been reading, supporting, and becoming fans of me. I'm working hard so that you'll like this chapter too. Side pic is Akemi. That's the closest pic I have that is most similar to Akemi's figure. Hope you like this chapter also.*****

Akemi's POV

We had arrived to Tazuna's house where his grandson, Inari; annoying little brat, and his daughter, Tsunami. She was a kind person and had black hair like me. My slight like toward Tazuna's village might be because of Tsunami. She was a wonderful person, she slightly reminded me of mother because of her kind attitude. She has been treating Pirate for the last couple days. He apparently was just tired from overuse of his Sharingon. She scolded him when he tried getting up after he finally woken up. It was funny sight to see the all powerful jounin following the orders of a regular woman. We reviewed what had happened earlier since Tsunami wouldn't let Pirate leave his bed. Pirate was telling us about the job of tracker-nins when he started trailing off. I saw the wheels in his head turning while he thought. "What wrong, Sensei? Are you okay?" Naruto asked.

"Tracker ninjas usually eliminate the entire body on the spot so they leave no room for error but that tracker didn't. He took the body with him." My head went up slightly looking into Pirate's eyes, catching on to what he was saying.

"You mean he's not dead?" The others gasped at what I said while Pirate confirmed my suspicions. I regretting not following my instinct when I felt that strange presence while we were fighting. That 'tracker' was probably that presence just waiting for the right time take action.

"But you killed him. He couldn't possibly be alive. You're probably being paranoid."

"I'm afraid not, Mister Tazuna. Trackers are trained to know how every part of the body operates. Causing the heart to temporarily stop while still keeping the body alive is not a hard feat for any tracker. He carried Zabuza away instead of dealing with him efficiently there. He also used senbon needles, which have a precise effect; but are rarely fatal. From those two facts that tracker wasn't there to kill Zabuza but more likely to save him." With this new information sinking in, Pirate got up with his crutches walking near the door. "Come, if Zabuza is still alive I need to teach you guys a new technique." Sakura complained about how Pirate was still healing. He kept walking to the door. Before we could all walk out of the room that little downer Inari walked in.

"Mom don't you see these people are going to die. Gato and his men will find them and kill them."

"I beg to differ brat. Last time I was here I beat the stuffing out of that dumb dwarf." I scoffed. He only looked at me in defiance not wanting me to break what he wanted to believe.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY YOU LITTLE BRAT!!! I'm a ninja, soon-to-be-Hokage. Believe it! And I will easily defeat Gato. He's no match for a great ninja like me." Naruto boasted proudly. Inari only looked at him in disgust.

"Ha, you think you're a hero? You're only a stupid kid with dumb ideas in your head. There's no such things as heroes. If you want to keep livin', then go back where you came from and don't come back." With that he stood and left the room, slamming the door. "I'm going to look at the ocean! Don't bother me!" He yelled through the door.

"Well, Tazuna, I see that you bratty grandson is still the same as ever. Cheery as a solar eclipse." I told him sarcastically. He shot me a glare but otherwise didn't say much else. Sakura again tried to convince Pirate to rest and wait until the next day to train with which he reluctantly agreed to after Tsunami urged him also. We all ate and went to bed afterword. I learned a new trick with those cursed chopsticks so that no one knows I can't use them. As long as I don't have to pick anything up with them; I'm good. I make up an excuse until everyone has ate, then I go down and eat the food Tsunami left for me so they don't see me eating. I have just been picking up the plate and shoving the food in my mouth with help from the chopsticks. I don't want people seeing me like that, it would be disgraceful. Unfortunately I think they're starting to get suspicious. I'll probably make it a couple more days before I really have to worry until then I'll be practicing how to use the damn things.

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