You can always find perverts in the woods

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****Here is chapter 15. This chapter is dedicated teamGaara_Shika93 because I said so. BTW does everyone know Obito is dead, hence he's a ghost? Because I don't think it's physically possible to kiss a spirit. Side pic is Akemi. Also I'm going on vacation for a whole week soon so no update after this for a while, sorry. Hope you enjoy the chapter. Thanks for all the really nice comments. That's it.****


The sound jerks are gone now. I got attacked by their leader right in the ear while fighting this Dosu guy. He made a big gash on my arm with his kunai then trapped me to the tree so I was out for the rest of the fight. Lee valiantly fought for our 'honor' but sadly one against three was too much for him so he was out. Finally Sakura kicked it into high gear and started fighting them to protect us. Her determination was great! Shika's team and Lee's team mates came also to help us. Unfortunately Sasuke woke up and went psycho on them making the mark on his neck spread back. Because I only finished with half the ritual to get rid of his curse mark him activating it caused some of the mark to grow back on him. He kicked their asses until Sakura pleaded for him to stop because he was really being psychotic and not in the good way. On the bright side we got an Earth scroll from them. On the down side half the people here were injured. Shika came over and freed me from the tree. "Thanks. Also thanks for helping earlier." I said while rubbing my wrists which hurt a lot, not as much as my left arm but still were sore.

He shrugged his shoulders. "I had to do something. You should probably get that treated." He pointed to my arm.

"Yeah, I probably should. You should probably go wake up Naruto."  He nodded then sighed.

"What a drag."

"Isn't it always." He smirked at me before going to kick Naruto awake. I sweat dropped. I think that technically qualifies as waking him up. He woke up quickly afterword. I walked to my bag pulling out some bandages then wrapped it around my arm. After I tightened it I looked around to see where everyone is. Some girl with brown hair in two buns was shaking Lee up while also yelling in his face. Ino was cutting Sakura's hair to fix it after she cut it to get away from the sound girl. Sasuke and some guy with similar eyes to Hinata were just standing around doing nothing in particular.

"I have to go give Lee my thanks for helping Sakura when I couldn't." I stood up walking to Lee. I picked up some water from my bag. "Lee," he turned to me. My God he is a carbon copy of yoga man. He's like yoga boy. I tapped the tip of the water like I did before for Naruto and Sasuke. "Here, drink it. It's a present to thank you for helping my team even though you didn't have to."

"Of course I did! It was my duty!" After he said that the girl with the buns started scolding him again.

"Well thanks anyway. Drink the water I guarantee it will make you feel better." He did as I said. Momentarily his body glowed just like Naruto and Sasuke's did when I made them drink it. Afterward his wounds were all healed. His eyes widened in surprise he checked where all his injuries should be but found none. He kept checking  and checking. The girl next to him looked just as surprised as Lee did.

"How did you do that!? All his wounds are gone!" She asked. I noticed Lee's other team mate and everyone else except Sakura was eyeing me curiously. Apparently Lee suddenly glowing surprised them.

"Secret." Only Sakura knew what happened. I winked over at her. She giggled a little knowing. "Anyway thanks for helping. I'm Akemi. Who are you?"

"Oh, The name's Ten Ten. That guy over there is Neji." She pointed with her thumb at guy over her shoulder. The guy with the same eyes as Hinata's, long brown hair in a low ponytail, and regular ninja clothes. I nodded my head in his direction.

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