Me almost dying and other normal stuff

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***Jk, I just wanted to see if anyone actually reads what I put up here. Anyway here's the usual I don't own Naruto. Guess what chapter it is because I'm sure you know(or don't). Thanks a bunch for all the support so far on my story. I feel so happy that so many people enjoy Akemi's personality because I was worried she seemed a little too emotionless at times. I hope you like this chapter as well. Side pic is Akemi. Dedication goes to rainbowsarang. And that's it.***

~Random fact about Akemi & Akatsuki: When Deidara thinks no ones paying attention he plays with Akemi's hair and she plays with his hair. Thay take turns braiding each other's hair :D~


We finally got to Tsunade after Ton Ton, the pig, sniffed her out. I swear that pig must have been a dog in another life. According to the information we got from Shizune a week before Oreo offered to bring Tsunade's fiance and brother back to life in return for her healing his arms. We've already seen all the damage she's done to some area so I think it's a safe bet to say she didn't go along with Oreo's offer. Now where running after the pig who has Tsunade's scent (like I said before; dog). We finally found her along with Oreo and Glasses in a wide grass area. We ran in front of her blocking Glasses attack but she didn't seem to really want our help. To prove my point correct she literally threw Pervy across the grass away from us then ran back to Glasses to battle. "Well, there's our thank you for finding you and trying to help." I paused. "Personally I think it's the pig's fault." Shizune brought the pig close to her chest afterwards in I suppose comfort although really when does a pig's feelings get hurt. They have tough skin and look at who it's owner is.

Glasses and Tsunade continued battling, Tsunade seemed to have the upper hand. He was barely able to block any of her moves, dodging them all a second before they could hit. Before she could land another hit he brought out a kunai and cut himself. ~I knew he was an emo underneath too~ Blood started coming out of his hand. Remembering Tsunade's fear of blood, I thought how Glasses was such a dirty fighter. He took her momentary pause as a chance hitting her right in the face where she came landing in front of Shizune. Shizune dropped the pig to go check on Tsunade. Naruto's face went from confusion to glaring at Glasses once he realized he was the enemy. That he worked for Oreo was new information to me but gave me an even bigger reason to dislike him. I narrowed my eyes when I looked Glasses in the eyes, he did the same too. "Unpleasant as ever I see." Then smirking and saying, "Closet Perv," just to tick him off. He glared daggers at me.

Naruto decided to fight against Glasses for Tsunade's sake with me backing him up. Pervy went up against Oreo. Shizune stayed on the side lines protecting Tsunade and just knocking her back into her senses. Naruto ran at Glasses throwing kunai. Glasses dodged all of them while Naruto summoned some shadow clones to attack. Glasses dodged them all also effectively punching all of Naruto's clones out. Naruto was on the ground with all his shadow clones disappearing. While Glasses was busy with Naruto I came from behind stabbing him in the back with my sword. He yelled out then swung around aiming for my face. The injury to his back made his aim off lodging his kunai an inch below my eye. I jumped back over to Naruto taking the kunai out of my now bleeding cheek. Covering my eye with my hand I glared at him. Glasses was being a Class-A prick, egging Naruto on by insulting Tsunade. She hearing everything being said kept mumbling her brother's and lover's name whiles looking at Naruto's battle. Shizune left Tsunade to help Pervy hold off Oreo.

I turned back to Tsunade, getting irritated at her attitude. "Wake up!" She looked at me startled from my sharp tone. "I know how hard it must be to face your fears but stop sitting there and being useless! You're needed now. Naruto is fighting for your sake, he's not giving up and neither should you!" Her eyes looked like she wanted to cry she didn't though.

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