I seem to freaking know everyone

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***Chapter 24, I DON'T OWN NARUTO. From now on the I'm not going to be following the original story line, I'm going in my own direction. Part of why is because I can only find sources with quick summaries of what happens and they're not enough, the other reason is because I made a plot line a while back on what's going to be happening from now on. I hereby dedicate this chappy to ChocolateyChip. Hope you like this chapter. That's about it for my section of the chapter.***

I really enjoy doing these ~Akemi and Akatsuki factoid: Itachi and Kisame enjoy taking afternoon naps with Akemi when they used to meet up during her travels.~


"What's wrong?" Hinata's soft voice carried through the room. Usually she stutters but around me she never seems to have that problem.

"I know these guys." What I said shocked everyone in the room. Tsunade looked at me then sighed back in her chair while rubbing her head.

"Brat, I really need to read your file sometime. Your something else." Sitting up a bit straighter she looked at me seriously, "How do you know the Killing Six?" [their made up characters as well, I make up a lot of them just to let you know]

"I told you people I've met a lot of interesting people in my journey." I laughed a little at Naruto's face. "I met them about," I tilted my head up in thinking, "maybe 3 years back. We're not friends but we don't get in each others way much either. Besides they aren't criminals, they're just trying to survive. They somehow got that name to them and ended up being challenged all the time by other criminals. They're just really good fighters who are trying to survive." Personally I think Kiki's the best. She's the one that convinced Toru not to impale my head with his mallet when they confused me for an attacker. They're all around their late twenties by now. My friends just looked at me probably wondering who else I've even met through my years of travelling since I seem to know pretty much everyone. I mean first Tazuna, then the Akatsuki, and now the famed Killing Six. I'm the damn social butterfly of the year. "But they don't take light to spies, their cautious. So I'm pretty sure we're still going to have to go through with the rescue plan." I said while rubbing my imaginary beard. I know we outnumber them by three (four if you want to count in Akamaru) but they are seriously good at fighting. It would take it least one serious Pirate to even match up their regular members. So seven Genin plus a ninja dog would be no match unless we had a little bit more.

We got the rest of the information afterward and headed out to the Land in Water. It would probably be a four day trip since it's just a little bit farther off than the Land of Waves. We ran for about 10 hours, now we were resting for camp. I hunted down dinner used to living back into the woods. Sasuke set up the fire with Naruto's help although they pretty much argued with each other the whole time. Once we ate everyone was sitting around the fire bored and not yet tired. "Just go to sleep." Pirate said looking up from his disgusting book. Yoga man went into this whole spiel about how he should be as youthful as him which Pirate ignored ending in Yoga man anime crying to himself in a corner. Personally I'm not sure which is more scary, an emo Yoga man or a hyped up one. No one was tired yet so we couldn't figure out what to do.

"Akemi what do you do when your bored?" Sakura asked. "You've lived in the woods before so you must have done something." They rest seemed interested in what I did back then. I thought about what I usually did when I was bored back before I came to Konoha. I shook my head.

"Yeah it probably best we don't do that. Besides we don't even have a purple wig or peanut butter on us right now." I ignored the slightly disturbed or questioning looks I was getting. "How about a story? Sometimes while travelling I would pass by a storyteller and listen to him for the night." They thought it over and nodded. "Okay," I clapped my hands together, "so who's telling the story?" That caused another problem in the making. Naruto's story is only about ramen. Sasuke and Shino are out for the count. And Sakura and Hinata politely declined saying they didn't have any good ones. Both Jonin didn't even bother making up excuses just looked at me to go. I didn't even bother asking Kiba since it was obvious everyone wanted me do it from the start. I was a little annoyed at them but decided to tell them one anyway. I chose a lighter story so not to scare Hinata. I finally got her to act normal around me again because after that weird party, which I still don't know what happened, she had been stiff and nervous around me. We're back to how we usually are together. Anyway I told them about this one episode I had with this barber from this one town and a tape dispenser. Long story short I'm not allowed to use tape in that town whenever I visit ever again. Funny thing is I had scissors at that time too but they banned me from using tape because they deemed I was more hazardous to their health with tape than with pointy sharp razors. Everyone was eyeing me after the story. Pirate wasn't even looking at his book anymore. We went to sleep afterwards, travelling the rest of the way with me not telling bed time stories at night anymore.

~Naruto Fanfic~ What is wrong with these freaks from Hell *cough* I mean KonohaWhere stories live. Discover now