Hide your cats, I'm staying

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*****Okay here is chapter 18. I'm hoping this chapter turns out as well as the last chapter. I have done three chapters, four if your including this one, in the the 9 days since I've returned from vacation. Am I on fire or what? I DON'T OWN NARUTO. I've been forgetting to put that in the last couple of chapters but since I'm pretty sure I've been putting them in about the last 13 chapters or so I'm pretty sure no one is going to sue me over it. Side pic is Akemi (When is it not?). I hope you enjoy this chapter. And I'm eating a pop tart at this very moment. This chapter is dedicated to becky157689 because she's a really good writer that I like.*****


It's been a week since that really confusing party I threw for everyone. Nobody will tell me what happened, the boys all blush, Hinata faints when I ask, the other girls make an bad fake excuse to be somewhere else, and all the jonin I ask literally just run away. I know something is up when I make Yoga man run away from me. I've stopped bothering to ask since no will confess but I will found out what happened eventually.

On another note, everyone in the third exam is off training with someone. Naruto's first teacher was apparently a closet perv too, just like Glasses. His next teacher was a straight out pervert. Naruto's off training with his 'Pervy Sage' teacher which means I'm locked out of the house until he comes back because I've lost the key to Naruto's place ages ago. Sasuke has Pirate training him new moves because of the curse mark. I could heal Sasuke's mark but him and Pirate said I'm not allowed to even try until after the exams for the safety of my health which is stupid. I somehow have Gramps as my mentor. He made me give back Kukiko since it wasn't an option for me to keep a tiger three times my size Anko now keeps her and lets me visit her from time to time. Anko and I kind of bonded in a sort of crazy demented sister way. Gramps teaching me isn't really teaching really it's just me sitting on the floor in his office reading scrolls he gives me of difficult jutsus. It took half a week for ninjas coming to receive their missions to get used to me lying there now everyone just greets me kindly while quickly reminding me to stop running away, I usually scowl and the person usually laughs. I just recently mastered this jutsu called the flying thunder god technique, you just use your chakra to make a seal of some kind then you can kind of teleport there immediately. When I showed Gramps he just looked at me like I shot him in the head; shocked. I may have done something I wasn't supposed to do. He keeps at least one eye on me now every time I come to study some more scrolls, I probably shouldn't have shown him I could do that jutsu but I do have that seal everywhere around Konoha and can now get into Naruto's apartments when I want to 'borrow' some food or take a shower.

I also somehow became a role model of Konohamaru. Remember him? The little guy who followed Naruto around before and when he and his buddies interviewed us before the second exams. When he comes to attack Gramps, who indeed is a grandpa like I thought the first time I saw him, then usually fails, he talks with me while I'm studying scrolls for a couple hours before he leaves declaring he will defeat his grandfather dramatically. Kono sometimes brings Moegi and Udon with him to talk with me or watch while I work on a new jutsu. They admire me also for unknown apparent reasons to me. I was studying my scrolls like usual one afternoon when I saw two familiar faces pop into Gramps' office. Lee and Ten Ten, because they're not participating in the third exams they do missions like regular, came in carrying a cat that is desperately trying to get out of Lee's grip. A similarly familiar fat women came in swooping the poor kitty out of Lee's hands. "Oh my little wittle Yammy! You scared mommy! She was soo worried! Yes she was! Oh yes she was!" She continued to cuddle the poor silver kitten to do death while continually saying how she loved Yammy and worried her. She soon left. I jumped up from where I was studying.

"Hey! Why does she have another cat!? I thought she just recently lost Tora! I know because I saw that big ass funeral she held for the 'dead' cat just a month ago!" I yelled while putting air quotes around the word dead. I can't believe my clone lasted as long as it did. Since Asuma was babysitting me the week I stole the cat he knows what actually happened. Why he never bothered to tattle on me is a mystery but I don't care as long as he never told. I know because I never got in trouble afterwords.

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