Save Henry, Pt 2

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Finding You Always

Chapter 74: Save Henry, Pt. 2

The goal once he reached Skull Rock had been clear. Face Pan, ignore his mind games, and trap him in Pandora's box. If only it had been that easy. He was a tad surprised the heroes hadn't barged their way in yet, which meant Pan had them busy, probably with one of his imaginative terrors.

Facing Pan though was a lot more painful than he would have ever admitted. As much as he hated his father for abandoning him, he hated himself more for doing the same to Bae. He was more like his father than he had ever wanted to be and that was a cold, hard reality. But for all the evil Rumple had committed in his days as the Dark One, Pan proved he was even more cunning and evil to his core.

At least Rumple knew love. At least he knew what it was to care for someone else more than yourself. But his father had never felt such things. He only cared about himself and his own self preservation.

Pan used it all against him. Somehow, he managed to open long buried wounds and lay them bare, before pouring salt in them. Despite all the hatred he had for Pan, he still felt something for his father. Not love...he could never love this man. But he felt something...and Pan had used it. At the moment he had his chance to trap Pan, he, the Dark One, Rumpelstiltskin hesitated. Two seconds...that was all it took to lose it all.

His face was alight with utter disbelief, as his two second hesitation cost him everything. Pan grinned victoriously, as the box was now in his hand. He waved a hand over it and sucked his son inside. The dagger clattered to the ground and Pan concealed it on his person with the box.

"You lose again Rumple," he commented. Henry would be there momentarily, unaware of what had just occurred. He had tasked Felix with getting rid of the others, but called him off to get Henry. There was no time to lose. The sands in the hourglass were nearly up and he needed that heart. If the others survived, it wouldn't matter now. Not once he held that heart in his hand. He smirked, as Felix arrived with Henry. The boy gazed around curiously, as Felix approached.

"What of our slithering friend?" Pan asked quietly. Felix smirked.

"About to sink her teeth into Snow White just before I left. Pity...I would have liked to see the life leave her eyes and watch her Prince go to pieces," Felix replied. Pan smirked, enjoying his malice.

"What is that?" Henry asked in awe of the giant hourglass.

"That's how much magic is left in Neverland," Pan lied.

"It's almost gone," Henry replied.

"Yes, but you can change that, Henry," Pan stated.

"What do I have to do?" he asked.

"I need your heart, Henry. It's the only way to save magic," Pan replied.

"But..." Henry started to protest.

"You have the heart of the truest believer. You will save magic and become the greatest hero of all time!" Pan boasted.

"No Henry!" Emma cried, as she and Neal rushed into the cave, followed closely by the others.

"Mom! Dad!" Henry exclaimed.

"Henry...magic is depending on you! Wendy is depending on you!" Pan insisted.

"I...I have to save magic," he whimpered.

"No buddy...he wants your heart for himself!" Neal said.

"He's right Henry. There's nothing wrong with the magic in Neverland, only with Pan and his obsession with maintaining his own youth," Leo explained.

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