Mad World

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Finding You Always

Chapter 79: Mad World

One year. Almost one year had passed since Clayton had abducted them and brought them to Atlantis. One year of waking up to seeing the deep sea out their windows. And one year since they had seen Emma, Henry, and the rest of their family. She rested a hand on her very pregnant belly. She was right at eight months and her hope of finding a way to escape and giving birth at home in Storybrooke was dwindling. Despite their situation, she and Charming were happy. They'd never believe a baby was anything but a blessing, even though they hadn't planned for this to happen. Her memories were plagued with the bad things that had happened and she had seen.

Obviously there had been good memories too, like when she realized she was pregnant again. She remembered her trepidation, but overall joy, even though they hadn't planned to have anymore children. She remembered all the people they had met, the captives like them that had become good friends and the horrid, despicable people that were Clayton's friends.

In addition to becoming good friends with Jane, Tarzan, Milo, and Kida, she had also become close friends with Arista, a mermaid she learned was one of Ariel's sisters. They had bonded over that at first and Snow had become fiercely protective of her new friend. Arista had grown fond of them as well and had been there for Snow after the horrifying experience of seeing Charming taken to the pit the first time. The events of that night were still etched in her mind and she still woke up screaming sometimes because of it.

Esmeralda had become less hostile with her too, especially after Charming had met Quasimodo in the pit. The Hunchback spent his days in chains, dutifully tending to the wounded that were Sa'luk's victims. Sa'luk was an animal and true sadist, who carried out prisoner punishment with delight.

Despite his own pain, her husband had shown compassion to the deformed man and advocated to get him released from Sa'luk's clutches. They may have been prisoners here, but her Prince was still able to convince Clayton that someone like the Hunchback would be more skillful down in the reserve caring for the animals than cleaning up Sa'luk's messes.

It came with a price for her husband, but he never backed down. He took punishment to make one person's life better and she loved him all the more for it, even if it had sent her into despair like she'd never known when he returned to her in the state he had. But her beloved never let it stop him. He would never stop fighting for love and his family. That's why having another baby, even here, would never be anything but a blessing to them. Unplanned or not, their new son was a bright spot in all the darkness they had experienced these long months as prisoners...


5 months ago

"There...that should start feeling better soon," Eva said, as she finished putting a bandage on Esmeralda's arm. Some disgusting pig had used a cigar and burned her with a sadistic glee that made Snow's insides twist as the woman recounted the events. She was much less hostile toward them now, being that she had never really been angry at them in the first place. But she still refused to let Eva use magic to heal her. Her daughter was just as capable of treating the wounds without magic though and Snow was proud of the woman she had become. Her empathy and compassion still surprised her at times.

"That...that feels better. I can barely feel the pain. What did you do?" Esme asked, a little suspiciously. Eva smiled.

"There are many aloe vera plants that grow down in the reserve. The salve I used comes directly from leaves of the plant. Not only does it kill the pain in minor burns almost completely, but it's also one hundred percent natural," Eva explained.

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