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*hey the characters in the fanfic need to DM me and tell me if your in the story too much/not enough. If you don't, I'm going to keep going with it. So it's up to you!

Thanks! ~Callaghan*

Abi's POV:

Gucci Tay Tay🍍: hey, come to the hospital. Now.

Me: what's wrong? Is Callaghan not okay?!

I was panicking, my palms sweating. I know that taylor and Cameron would be there for her, they have been since I can remember. They would never let her down, they're the big brothers she's never had.

I hoped that she was okay, though. Callaghan and I have become really good friends, and I would really be sad if something happened to her; we all would.

I grabbed a bag, a change of clothes for taylor, a change of clothes for cameron, and a change of clothes for Callaghan.

Everyone else stayed behind, not knowing what I was doing and where I was going.

I turned my keys into the ignition and my car came to life. I drove as fast as I could to the hospital without being pulled over.

"Callaghan Lewis?" I asked the lady at the front desk

"Room 788 floor 3." She pointed to the elevator

"Thank you." I said

"Um excuse me, before you go, I was wondering if you had her parents contacts, so that I could call them?" She asked

"I'm sorry, but unfortunately there is no in specific to contact. You will have to wait till she can tell you." I said, biting my lip

She nodded her head, confused. But I didn't think about it, I took off towards the elevator.

I pressed floor 3. My hands shaky, not knowing what I was going to walk into.

When I reached floor 3, room 788, I knocked quietly 3 times.

Cameron answered the door, his face tear stained.

"Hey." He said opening up the hospital door

I didn't like the smell of a hospital, never have.

I walked in and saw taylor, he was sitting in a chair. His head was faced the hospital bed, away from me and cam.

No one was in the bed.

This made my heart stop? Had she killed herself?

No. Taylor or Cameron would NEVER let that happen.

"Cameron?" I asked my voice shaky

He looked at me, and I just realized how red his eyes were.

"Come outside with me, he'll be okay." He said opening the door again

When we walked down the hallway a bit, he broke the silence.

"She's bad. We found a suicide note, Taylor's really upset. Callaghans in surgery, getting her body flushed. It was bad, Abi, I've never seen her that.. b-bad." He choked out

He kept saying bad, I was confused.

"What do you mean.. By, bad?" I asked

He looked at me, his eyes were tearing up again. He handed me a note.

' this is Callaghan Lewis. I know right? But yeah, it's me. Writing to you my death letter. Or suicide note. I don't like calling it that, it makes it seem more real.. And all this, this isn't real. Nothing like this is supposed to be, anyway. Well, by the time your reading this, I'll be long gone. I just wanted to say my goodbyes, one last time.

Dear Taylor and Cameron; thank you. Thank you so so so so much. You were there for me when I fell, and you picked me right back up. No one could ever have better brothers that you guys. Keep doing your thing, I'll be watching over you. Don't do anything I wouldn't. We'll just know that I love you Cameron Alexander Dallas and that I love you Taylor Michael Caniff. You guys were my brothers, and I mean it.

Dear Mom and Dad; you never really were much of parents to me I suppose, but you did give me life. So thanks, for that I guess. But other than that, you guys suck. So thanks, thanks for not being there when I fell, like Cam and Tay were. For leaving me alone. You'll never know how much you hurt me, but since I was still under aged, drink some alcohol, smoke some smokes for me. Thanks.

Dear Lina; hey, best friend. Don't forget me? Don't forget you had a best friend? But don't remember that I'm gone. Don't remember that I killed myself. I guess that's kinda hard to ask, right? We'll, keep it real girl, keep my spirit in you. You will never know how much you meant to me, and how much I loved you. But I hope this helps. I hate knowing I won't hear your voice one last time, the one that helped me through some of my darkest times, and the one who took me in where I had no where to go. Thank you Lina Bina, for being my very, oh so very, best friend.

Dear Jack; remember the night, that we sat out in the grass, just listening to music? The way our lips moved as one, the way that we were one. Remember me like that, okay? In that little white dress, that you loved so much. Remember the dinner we had before, when we went to a fancy restaurant, and you gave me that necklace. "I'll never want or need, anyone as much as I want and need you." Remember those words, like the last ones you said to me. Don't remember me like this. Jack Finnegan Gilinsky, yes I used your middle name that you hate oh so very much, I do love you, to the moon and back. I'll never want anyone, as much as I want you. You my one and only. But please.. Please please please, don't blame this one yourself. It's me, my decision. I love you, you will forever be my world, you will forever be the one, you will forever be the one that fixed me. I love you with every piece of my heart.

I love all of you, thanks for being there with me through the years. - Callaghan Rose Lewis '

Tears welled up in my eyes.

"It was in her pocket, me and taylor came in just as we saw her.. As we saw her swallow.. P-pills." He said, crying now

"Hey, she's gunna be okay." I said, joining his cries

We slid down on to the cold tile floors of the hospital, crying in to our hands.

We stayed like that, crying, for about 8 minutes.

"Guys! She's back!" We're heard taylor yell to us

I looked at cam, "really?! Be there in one second!" His face lit up the room

We walked in to see a pale callaghan, asleep in a uncomfortable bed, wearing purple lips.

"What did the doctor say?" Cameron asked taylor

"She should be awake in 15 to 20 minutes. The surgery went great, and that she will have a full recovery! We just have to get her on depression pills to make sure this doesn't happen again." He said, smiling

"So.. How much longer till she wakes up?" I asked, I was impatient at times

"It's okay, you can leave if you want." Cam said

"No, don't leave; stay?" Taylor asked me

I just smiled and nodded my head. Wrong time for a romantic moment, right?

Cameron and taylor changed, and after about 10 minutes Callaghan fluttered her eyes open.

"Hi guys." She croaked out


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