(one) at my worst

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I inhale the salty cool breeze, exhaling from my mouth slowly. My legs dangle over the edge of the bridge, my head held high as I stare up at the night sky.

Stars shimmered in the dark, a few clouds scattered around. The full moon was out, bright as ever. My hands barely held on to the edge of the bridge. Everything made me feel so numb, so hallowed out.

I tilted my head down and looked at the running water that passed through waves around twenty five feet below me. If I just tilt my body forward, just a bit, it'll be over.

I sighed at the thought that passed my mind a million times. I imagined it so many times. Replaying it in my head, in such great detail.

If I fall from here, I'm sure to die. It's a twenty five feet fall into deep waters. No one passes by this abandoned bridge anymore, no one would try to save me.

A small smile made its way to my lips as I took in what, at the moment, seemed to be my last breath. I slowly tilted my body, bringing up my feet onto the edge of the bridge. I reached over so my hands were in front of my toes and slowly stood up.

Finding my balance, I faced my body towards the water again. I gracefully swan dived into the calm waves beneath me.

With a quiet splash, I started to sink deeper into the water. My lungs started to burn as water drowned my last living breath. Darkness started to consume my vision and a satisfied smile made its way to my lips.

It's finally over.

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