(six) drown

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Turns out, Andy and I had most of our classes together. I kept speaking to a minimum with him. Why is he trying to talk to me out of everyone else? It's his first day here, why not make some friends or something?

I sighed as questions filled my head. I sat down at my usual empty table at the corner of the cafeteria. It was a small circled table with a good eight seats. Only one of the seats was ever used.

Andy plopped down beside me with a cheeky grin. I looked up at him and then looked back down at my screen. "So you sit here alone?" He asked after a few moments passed. I nodded and kept my eyes glued to my phone screen.

"Correction, you used to sit here alone. Now we sit here alone." He said with a wink. I shook my head and placed my phone down to turn my body towards his.

"Why don't you go make some friends? It's your first day here." I said as I looked into his green eyes and then looked down at my hands.

"That's what I'm doing right now." He said with a serious face on. I looked back up at him confused.

"You want to be my friend?" I asked cautiously. He nodded with a smile on his face. "Why?" I dragged out with suspicion.

"Is it wrong to want to be your friend?" He asked me as he tilted his head to one side. I shook my head.

"No, that's not it. I just never had someone who wanted to be my friend on their own will." I mumbled and took in a deep breath.

"Oh. I guess I'm gonna change that." He said as he wrapped his arms around my back and hugged me. I sat there frozen, surprised at the contact.

He pulled back but placed his hands on my shoulders. "So what do you say, wanna be my friend?" He asked softly. After a few moments I nodded.

"Yeah, I'll be your friend."


I walked out of the school, relieved that the day is finally over. Not wanting to go back to the house, I decided to go back on the bridge. As I walked to the bridge I couldn't help but think of Andy. He's my first friend.

Once I got to the abandoned bridge, I placed my bag on the bridge itself. Then I climbed over the wall of the bridge to sit on the edge. My feet dangled once more. The sky was still bright, since it was only the middle of the day.

As the hours passed, I was contemplating on whether I should jump today or not. I sat there, listening to the water run. Once the sun started to set, I stared to look at the water below me.

I do have someone now, I met Andy. I should be happy to have a friend. That's not it, I am happy to have a friend. Having one person to depend on is all I need, all I ever wanted.

But what if he leaves? What if his intentions aren't as genuine as they seem?

He'll leave me. He'll walk out of my life just like everyone who I seem to care about did.

After much thought, I swung my body forward and dived into the cold water. As my body hit the water, and my lungs started to burn again, I regretted it. I tried flailing my arms, I tried swimming upwards. My body was too deep in the water, I wouldn't be able to make it.

With that I drifted away, once again, I let the darkness consume me.

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