(two) lock the doors

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As if I was a water fountain, water spouted up from my lips and all over my cold face. Slowly drifting away from the darkness, I kept coughing up water.

Once I was finished, I started to realize how cold I was. My teeth started to chatter and my entire body shook from the cool air that felt so icy since I was drenched.

"Thank goodness." A deep voice mumbled before sighing and breathing heavily. I opened my eyes to see the same night sky I stare at every night.

I slowly sat up and let out another small cough before clearing my throat. A guy around my age was sat there, staring at me though it was so dark. His breaths came out from his mouth. Heavily panting for air, he averted his full attention to me.

We stared at each other for a few moments in which time seemed to stop. His green eyes shone in the dark and his black hair was so drenched it stuck to his forehead. His wet clothes reflected the shine of the moon.

It didn't take long for me to realize that he saved me. "Why did you do that?" He asked after catching his breath.

I slowly averted my attention to the mud that I had been laying on. I didn't give him an answer, I refused to even look up at him.

I felt his stare burn holes into the side of head as I took in a shaky breath. I slowly rose from the muddy ground and looked down at him.

"Thanks . . . But no thanks." I said as I turned my body and headed to the place that's known as my house.

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