(four) moving

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The sound of my alarm blared in my ears and I groaned as I turned my body to slap my hand over it. I slowly opened my eyes and saw the light peeking from my mostly closed window.

I swung my feet over the side of my bed and got up, heading straight to the bathroom to freshen myself up. As I brushed my teeth a series of sneezes erupted from my nose. That's what I get for sleeping in wet clothes.

I thought to myself as I decided on taking some DayQuil before leaving the house. I hopped into the shower and turned the water warm and then started to scrub the mud off of my body.

I washed the dirt that got stuck in my hair as well. When I was done, I blow dried my hair and put it up in a messy bun. I opened my medicine cabinet and took some of the DayQuil.

I went to my closet and grabbed a grey hoodie and some black skinny jeans. I slipped on my converses, grabbed my bag and phone and walked down the stairs.

Everyone was already at the table digging into the breakfast Mrs.Lille made. I stopped eating breakfast with them around two years ago. I just didn't feel comfortable doing so.

I walked out of the house and made my way to a cafe not far from my school. Once I walked in, Ana, one of the cashiers smiled at me.

I smiled back and headed towards her to order my usual. "A cup of french vanilla coffee and a bagel and cream cheese." She nodded and I paid then waited.

A couple of minutes later, she handed me my bagel and coffee. I mumbled a quick thanks before I turned around and heading to my usual spot.

As I walked closer, I noticed there was a person already sitting there. No one ever sits here. That's my usual spot.

Deciding I wasn't going to give up on my spot, I went and plopped down in front of them. I realized it was a guy. He looked kind of suspicious with his black hoodie on.

He looked up at me with his green eyes and I couldn't help but feel like I've seen him before.

"You." He whispered. It took me a few seconds for it to hit me. He's the guy from last night.

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