(eight) the finer things

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I followed behind him as he opened the door to his house. A small, two story house in a quiet neighborhood. "My mom is probably home, wouldn't wanna wake her." He whispered as he brought a finger to his lips.

I nodded and followed behind him. With every movement I made, the wetness of my clothes shifted around my skin. He slowly tip toed on the staircase and I followed. As we shifted our weight on the steps, they creaked.

Finally, getting to the top of the stairs, Andy made a right. I followed him and we walked into what I'm guessing is his room. He flicked on the light and slowly closed the door behind me.

I stood there, next to his bed, and our eyes met again. I took it upon myself to look away first. "Wanna sit?" He asked awkwardly as he gestured to his bed. I shook my head 'no' and pointed to my clothes.

He nodded and then held up a finger before rummaging through his draws. He walked over to me and passed me a pair of basketball shorts and a white t shirt.

"That's the bathroom, you can go freshen up or whatever. I'll get you an extra towel." He said pointing to a door a few feet from his bed.

He tip toed out of the room and was back minutes later with a folded white towel. "Thanks." I whispered as he closed the door behind him.

"Anytime." He said with a small smile on his face. I made my way to his bathroom and closed the door behind me. I stripped of my wet, muddy clothes and hopped into the shower.

He saved me, again. I didn't even hear him following me, why was he there? I don't understand what I'm feeling right now, but there's something about Andy. Something different. I sighed as the warm water hit my skin.

I scrubbed my skin and hair until the water ran clear. Once I was finished, I turned off the water and wrapped the soft towel around me. Why is he doing so much for a stranger? He doesn't know me all that well, yet he invited me into his house.

I dried my body off and slipped into the basket ball shorts and the t shirt. Not sure what to do with the towel, I hung it up behind the door. I slowly walked out of the bathroom to see Andy on his bed. He looked up at me with a tired smile.

"Here, sleep on my bed for tonight. I'll shower and then go downstairs to the couch." He said as before I furrowed my eyebrows. Why is he doing all of this?

"Why did you save me?" I asked him bluntly as I played with the hem of his shirt that I was wearing. He stared at me, trying to form an answer. His mouth opened then closed several times, at a lost for an answer.

I stood there, and I waited for one. "Well I just, I'm just a good person." He said with a wink and a smile that was yet to reach his eyes. Not thinking he would answer me, I made a note to question him again in the morning since we were both tired.

"Okay, fine." I said as I held my hands in a form of surrendering, for now. He nodded before disappearing into the bathroom. I plopped down on his bed and pulled the fluffy comforter over me.

I breathed in his scent as I slowly fell asleep.

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