(fifteen) cynical skin

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I woke up gasping for air as beads of sweat ran down my forehead. I stared at my ceiling for a few minutes, trying my hardest to recollect my thoughts and learn how to breath again.

Slowly sitting up, I ran my hands through my hair before deciding on a shower. Memories of the dream kept flashing through my mind. Molly's deformed creepy face kept popping up every time I blinked.

It felt like I was getting tortured. All I wanted was out. I just want the memories to stop.


I walked out of my shower and stood before the fogged mirror as I wrapped the white towel around my waist. A whirl of black whipped my vision as I stumbled forward and gripped onto the edges of the sink.

I'm not feeling too good right now.

I thought to myself as I slowly walked to my bed. I sat down and closed my eyes tight for a few moments in an attempt to get myself back together. I slowly open my eyes only to be staring back into white ones.

My breathing slowed as her hair tickled my chest. Her breathing came out as a rough wheeze. I sat there in shock, staring at the whites of her eyes.

My mind was blank, all of my thoughts were drowned out by fear and confusion. I was falling off the edge of reality and my fingers are barely holding on to the ledge.

I leaned my head back, thankful that she didn't follow my movements. She made a low growl with her throat as I crawled backwards in plans of getting to the other side of the bed. She slowly rose from her knees, her twig like arm slowly rising from its previous position by her side.

Her bony finger pointed towards me, before her lips parted. "This is all your fault." She said in an almost demonic voice. Her finger remained pointed at me for a few seconds.

Tears swelled up in my eyes as I nodded. "I'm sorry." I whispered as tears started to run down my cheeks. In a sudden move she morphed into a black blur and was in front of me in a matter of mili seconds.

She placed her bony fingers around my throat before banging my head into the wall. Over and over and over again. Tears kept running down my cheeks as I sobbed, feeling my airways slowly give up.

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