(fourteen) so much to loose

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Andy's P.O.V:

Even through my harsh attempts at pulling myself farther from Ally, my heart couldn't help but skip a beat as I walked passed her. Brenda was mumbling things that I couldn't concentrate on in my ear. All I wanted right now was to remove my hand from her waist and have Ally in my arms instead.


I couldn't. The fear of getting hurt like I did with Molly twice around, I just couldn't stand the thought. I can't; I just can't do this. I would be lying if I said I didn't see the pain in Ally's eyes. I would be lying if I said I didn't know that I've caused that pain.

The fear of reliving what happened when I was younger haunted me. Which lead to me quickly putting some space between Ally and I. As soon as I felt sparks in my chest the moment we kissed, it confirmed my feelings for her.

I was falling. I was falling hard and fast for her.

I couldn't stand the thought of spending the night with Brenda, I barely managed the day portion. Therefore I told her I had a bad case of the crabs from my crazy nut job of an ex and called it a night. I nearly facepalmed as she wrote down a few creams that she said helps before telling me to come over when it goes away.

Laying on my bed, I stared at my ceiling. My mom stopped passing out drunk as much when Ally use to come over. It's like she was a new person. I guess she just saw Ally as the daughter she never had.

And I've taken that away from her as well. I'm such a bad person. Tears started to trail down my cheeks as I slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Standing on the abandoned bridge, I see the back of Ally's head in front of me. In a panic I start to run for her as she starts to place her legs on the edge. Though the distance between us is small, I can't seem to get to her.

It's like I'm stuck in place.

I yell out to her but she doesn't hear me. I don't even hear myself. My silent pleas go unheard as I seem to have lost my voice. Once she jumps over, I manage to break away from being stuck in one place and jump over to save her.

I fall into the water with a splash and see her slowly floating away. I pedal and pedal to get closer to her but it won't let me. All I'm doing is sinking down with her. A hand grabs onto my ankle as my lungs start to burn. I look down and see Molly, her face bloody as she pulls me deeper into the depths of the lake.

My eyes travelled down to her arms, seeing her cut up wrists saddened me. A feeling of nostalgia washed over me as my eyes went up to her beaten up face. Must've hurt when her dying body hit all of those rocks as the lake carried her body to a larger water source.

I stared into her fully white eyes. Her blank stare battled with my shocked one as we remained suspended for a few seconds. I could feel confusion flood my senses as I tried so hard to peel my eyes away from the face that I once use to rely on. From the face that left me all alone in this world.

Disregarding Molly, I frantically started to look around for Ally. Her figure is no where to be seen as I fight off Molly's tight grip on my ankles. I kick and struggle but nothing seems to loosen her grip.

She slowly climbs up my shins until her horribly disfigured face meets my knees. Her weight beside mine only fight against gravity as I sink deeper.

"Molly . . . please . . . let go." I whispered as my newfound voice drowned out my actions and everything fell into a curtain of darkness.

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