(nine) demons

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Andy's P.O.V

I ran my hand through my wet hair and droplets of water fell around me. I watched her chest fall up and down as she was in a calm slumber.

"I saved you because you remind me of someone. Someone who I loved. Someone who I lost." I said as my voice cracked and tears welled up in my eyes at the memory of her.

I turned around from Ally's sleeping figure and slowly made my way down the stairs and to the couch that was waiting for me. Ally resembles Molly so much. They're so alike. Only my sister is dead, and Ally isn't.

I sighed to myself as I laid on the couch that was too small for my height. It too me hours to fall asleep, not because the couch made it hard to find a comfortable spot. My head kept racing with different questions and thoughts.

I finally dozed off only to fall back into one of my most horrid memories.

Spring of 2011

"Molly! Molly where are you?" I yelled into the silence of the woods. I didn't get an answer, it was dark and scary inside these woods. I should be in the foster home right now. I hope they didn't notice me gone. I thought to myself as I went deeper into the woods.

Molly would come here when she felt down, like this morning. She was locked up in the attic all morning as I waited by the door. She finally came out while we were all eating and I saw her through the kitchen window.

I followed after her once everyone went to bed. "Molly! Where are you?" I yelled with my hands cupped around my mouth. Still no answer. As I walked deeper and deeper into the woods the sun started to rise.

I should be getting back soon. I thought to myself as I kept walking towards the spot Molly usually goes to when she's down. There's a clearing far off to the other end of the woods.

After another few minutes of stumbling around, I found the clearing. Thanks to the rising sun that made it easier for me to see, I spotted Molly. She was sat there by the creek, scribbling in a book. "Molly!" I yelled again.

Her head quickly shot up and she looked at me with wide eyes. She stood up in a rush and dropped the notebook and the pen close to the creek before sliding out a kitchen knife from her messenger bag. "Molly?" I asked this time but my voice softer, confusion ran through me like a virus.

"I'm sorry Andy, I can't do this anymore. Sitting in that damn foster home waiting for someone to adopt us, it's driving me crazy. I'm too old for anyone to adopt, I'm sixteen Andy." She said with tears running down her face as she held the knife with a trembling hand.

"Every day that goes by tortures me. I just wanna end this all. So goodbye and good luck Andy. I hope you get into a good home." She said before bringing the knife up to her wrist. In a fast motion, she sliced her arm several times. 

"Molly, please don't do this." I said just above a whisper, shocked to witness what's going on. I started to aimlessly run towards her, not knowing how I'm going to get over the creek. Though it was small, I can't swim and the currents seemed strong. "Molly!" I yelled as I stood on the other side.

She started hastily doing so to her other arm too, this time more sloppily. I took a few steps back before jumping over the creek and my arm landed on a rock. I yelled out as the pain in my arm became too much to the point where it went numb.

With a now broken arm, I walked to my sister as she dropped the knife. "Molly!" I yelled as she tried to jump in but I wrapped my good arm around her. "Molly please don't go, I need you." I whispered as tears ran down my face.

"I'm sorry." She said before pushing me so I fell back onto the dirt. She dove in to the water. The water around her stained red as she got carried away by the current.

"Molly!" I yelled as I ran alongside the creek. My tears blurred my vision but I couldn't let my eyes leave her moving figure. Her eyes were forever opened as her body dipped down in the water for a few seconds. I lost where she was and dropped to my knees as the water kept racing in front of me.

I couldn't save her.

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