(eleven) don't you dare forget the sun

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The sun started to rise and we decided it time to head back. Warm colors swirled and mixed together, standing out on the dark horizon and bringing light to the ground. Our shadows slowly stepped out of the dark as the light warmed my skin. It was indeed a beautiful sight.

Our hands remained intertwined as we walked in a calm pace. The wind whispered in our ears as we got closer to the quiet neighborhood. It was as if we were under a spell, inside our own temporary fairytale like place. 

Well, that is until we entered his house. The sound of painful puking enveloped my ears as I stepped in. The scent of a resentful place wafted out of the door. The calming stroll now forgotten, Andy practically ran up the stairs and into a bathroom as I followed behind.

Who I'm guessing is his mom kneeled in front of the toilet bowl, vomiting her guts out. Andy rushed to her side and held her hair back as she kept going. His eyes looped with worry and despair as he watched his mother throw up. His confident actions led me to believe that this isn't the first time he's witnessed this.

Her eyes had bags under them, her hair was a light brown, and stopped just below her shoulders. A few freckles sprawled about on her face around her nose. Once she finally stopped, a thick silence coated the small bathroom.

She slowly turned to me, her eyes tired yet soft at the same time. She eyed what I was wearing, need to remind you it was all Andy's, and her eyes lit up. "I'm so sorry we had to meet like this. I'm Andy's mom, I presume your are his gi-" I quickly cut her off with reddened cheeks.

"Friend, I'm his friend." I said a bit too suddenly. Her mouth hung open as she stopped speaking since I cut her off. She clasped her mouth close before giving me a quick nod.

"Right, his friend." She said with a smile before she shooed us out of the bathroom. She closed the door behind us and the slight sound of the water running entered my ears.

"Uhh I should get going, we have school today." I said pointing to what I was wearing. "I gotta get changed, though this is comfortable I can't walk around like this." I said with a smile.

He chuckled before his eyes met mine and he held my stare for a few moments. "How about you stay for breakfast? Don't worry about the clothes, I'll go put yours in the wash." He said with a wink.

"Sure." I shrugged without much thought. I don't really have time for the cafe. Having breakfast with Andy seems better then heading to the cafe anyways. We headed down the stairs to the kitchen where Andy started to make pancakes.

I sat there and fiddled with the hem of my shirt. "Your mom seems nice." I blurted out in desperation for the silence to end. He looked at me for a second before flipping the pancake.

"Yeah, she's a nice person." He said with a sad smile. "She's just really stressed all the time. That's why she drinks so much. I'm going to get a part time job soon so I can help her out." He said happily.

A gave him a curt nod though he was faced away from me. His words brought me to what I was going to do when they kick me out of the system in a few months. I won't be able to live in the house anymore, and I don't have a lot of money saved up.

I can pay rent and eat for maybe a few months before my savings turn to dust. I have a good amount saved up from all the part time jobs I did over time. I guess that's what I can do. I haven't given it much thought since I've always sought out suicide as my future.

His mom walked into the kitchen before plopping down beside me. She turned to me and gave me a kind smile. Her hair was wet and she changed out of her previous clothes.

"I apologize for earlier, and for meeting like this. How about you come over for dinner this Friday?" She asked me as I looked up and saw Andy walking towards us, balancing three plates of pancakes.

He set them on the table and I looked to him for an answer. He nodded and then I turned his mom with a smile.

"I'd love to."

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