(sixteen) deepest cut

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His clothes randomly laid around from when he slept over and little things that belonged to him sprawled around in my messy room. I sighed before grabbing a cardboard box and walking around my room dumping things inside.

The box was half full when I was finished. I sat on my bed, and tried to do other things. Like play little song games on my phone.

Which would usually take my mind off of things, but I couldn't stop running my eyes over the box. Thinking of Andy only brung tears to my eyes.

I can go over and just leave his stuff in front of his room. Andy usually goes out to get breakfast at this time and his mom left for work two hours ago.

I thought to myself and stood up with determination. I grabbed the keys Andy's mom gave me since I came over so frequently and shoved them down my back pocket.

I picked up the box and started to walk out of the foster house, and towards Andy's house. I can feel my heart bang against my ribcage, the intensity grew higher the closer I got to his house.

I stood in front of the house, staring at the familiar door. I took in a deep breath and took out my keys in a struggle. I tried pushing the key into the door knob but the door creaked back slowly.

He must've forgotten to lock the door. I thought to myself as I shrugged it off. I slowly stepped into the dark house. All the lights were off. Tiptoeing, I did my best to not make any noise as my weight shifted on the stairs.

I finally got in front of his room, tears swelled in my eyes. His familiar smell engulfed my senses, a little sob came up my throat but I quickly slapped my hand over my mouth.

I started to hear footsteps, walking around Andy's room. My eyes grew wide in alarm. Why is he still home? Then he whispered "I'm sorry." in a tortured voice. What's going on in there? I should probably leave. 

I quickly yet silently placed the box down. In my crouching position, I started to hear sobbing. I contemplated on whether or not I should go in or stay out here.

It would be weird if I were to walk in. I already walked into his house because I want to avoid Andy's mom seeing this box from me. If I just barged into his room it would be even weirder.

Though my brain was telling me not to, my curiosity got the better of me and my hand reached for his door knob. I twisted it ever so slowly and then peeked in.

"Andy!" I yelled as I flung the door open and ran to his unconscious body. "What happened?" I whispered as tears started to fall down my face. I reached for my back pocket and pulled out my phone, quickly dialing 911.

"Hello, what's your emergency?" The lady over the phone said in a monotone voice.

"I have a friend-" quick jab to the heart "who I found passed out in his bedroom." I practically yelled into the phone. She asked me for my location I knew off the top of my head "42nd Street between Finley Avenue and 41st Street. House number 136."

"Did you check for a pulse?" She asked me before telling me that she was sending help right away. My shaky hands made their way to Andy's wrist as I barely felt a pulse.

I nodded before taking note of my mistake and voicing my thoughts. "He has a pulse but it's very faint." I said into the receiver.

"Okay, stay calm. Help in on the way." The lady said before she hung up.

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