(five) second guessing

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I decided on ignoring his curious stare and standing up to go to another table. I plopped down on a seat in an empty table and started eating my bagel. I took small sips from my warm coffee when I was finished.

A few moments later, the same guy took a seat in front of me. I made my move to get up but his voice stopped me. "Wait." He said softly.

I looked at him expectantly. "Don't run, I just want to talk." He said as he took a sip from his coffee.

At this I didn't know whether I should sit and talk to this guy, or get up and leave. He would probably question me about my actions, but I'm not ready to open up to a stranger. To open up to anyone in general.

"Okay." I said as I took a sip from my foam cup.

"My name is Andy, I just moved here from London." He said as he nodded for me to go on.

"My name is Ally. I've been living here in Canada for my entire life." I said glad that he didn't ask me about my actions.

I looked down at my phone for the time and realized I was almost running late. "I have to get going, I'll be late if I stay any longer." I said as I grabbed my book bag and slid it on. I threw my coffee away in the garbage bin next to the door and then walked the short walk to my school.

I don't have many friends, I don't have any to put it simply. So no one to hang out with or meet at the gates of the school. I walked into my first period class, English and took a seat in the back.

The classroom was pretty empty when I walked in, since I got here on time and most of the students didn't. The classroom started to file in when Ms.Styles arrived.

Almost half way into the class, Ms.Styles stops and goes to open the door. To my surprise Andy walks in. He scans the class and as soon as he does he spots me and smiles. I quickly looked down since the girls in the class looked back to see who he was smiling at.

"This is the Andy, our transfer student from London. Andy you can go have a seat anywhere that makes you comfortable." She said with a smile before patting him on the back.

Andy looked at me and then at the empty seat beside me. I should say empty seats because no one sat next to me. He started walking toward the back and then plopped down in the seat beside me.

"Well hey there Ally." He said as he turned to me. "Hi." I mumbled before I continued taking notes on Ms. Styles lecture, knowing I had to write a five paged argumentative essay on this.

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