(seven) fail

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Andy's P.O.V

Did she seriously just jump again? I started to panic as I watched her flail her arms in the water. She's trying to come back up? I dove into the water and looked for her. After spotting her, I grabbed her arm and swam towards the top.

I took in a deep breath once I reached the top and pulled her out with me. I placed her on my back before trying my best not to drop her as I swam to the mud. The rough waves kept hitting my body which made it hard to swim properly.

Once I got to shore I placed her on the ground and pressed my lips against hers as I pumped her chest. I quickly dialed 911 once she didn't respond as quickly as she did last time.

Tears started to well up in my eyes as I stared at her unmoving face. I kept trying after I told them where we were at. Some water spouted up, but she didn't wake up.

Soon the ambulance was on top of the bridge and they sent a few people down with stretchers and some equipment.

They rushed to get her on to the stretcher and I ran after them. Once we got into the ambulance van, after I told them I was her boyfriend, they asked me what happened.

The lies almost came from my mouth naturally. "We were having a race through the woods and she was ahead." I stopped as my voice cracked.

"She was close to the river, and I yelled for her to watch out. She turned around and ran straight into the water." I said as I dropped my head into my hands.

"I dove in to save her, but once I brought her to the muddy ground she wouldn't really respond to CPR. She coughed up some water, but that's about it." I said as they kept pumping her chest.

I don't want to tell them it was an attempted suicide, they might send her to some mental hospital.

She finally jolted awake and started taking in deep breaths of air. Although I just met her, and I don't know much about her, I was so relived that she woke up. That she's alive.

We drove the rest of the way to the hospital as they kept making her cough up water. Since she can breath, but she was having difficulties doing so.

Once we got into the hospital, and Ally can walk, they took some tests on her. An x ray of her lungs, did some brain tests on her as well. After they finished they asked her for her address to send the medical bills to.

I told them my address and then we headed out the hospital. Once we got outside, Ally looked down at her shoes that were wet. She suddenly turned her body towards me and wrapped her arms around my neck in a hug.

"Thank you." She whispered softly. She started sobbing into my chest. "Any time." I said as I patted her back. She started shaking violently as more sobs erupted from her mouth.

"It's okay, it's okay." I whispered as I planted a kiss on her forehead. After a few minutes, she calmed down. "Wanna go to my place?" I asked her once we pulled apart.

She stared at me for a few seconds. Realizing that sounded wrong, I rephrased my question. "Wanna come to my place to get yourself together. I mean, as in for the night." I quickly corrected.

Her lips turned in a small smile before she replied. "Yes, I would like that."

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