(twelve) get out while you can

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Weeks passed, and Andy and I only grew closer. The dinner with his mom went smoothly, there was slight chatter, corny jokes and some of Andy's embarrassing stories from when he was younger. There was a tight atmosphere that clouded around Andy and his mother.

They didn't treat each other like family per say, what they had seemed more formal if anything. We'd watch movies together in his room a lot which led me to sleeping over quite a lot. Today my nervous have been running wild.

Andy should be here any moment now. I thought to myself as I played with the hem of my sleeve nervously. Today Andy is going to come over to my place for a change. My place as in the foster home. My place as in the very small space in the attic my place sort of thing.

He's the only one I've brought this close to since well, my parents I guess. A soft knocking on the wooden door made my heart beat even faster. I reached for the door knob and slowly opened it to reveal a smiling Andy.

"Hey." I said as a smile engulfed my features. He gave me a small wave before I moved back so he can step into the house. I locked the door behind him and led him upstairs to the attic. I caught him glancing around the foster home, eyes confused with a pinch of sadness.

He's probably reminiscing about his sister. I thought sadly as my mind ran back to the story he told me of her. With that my eyes dropped to the floor as I kept walking and my heart ached out for the two of them. Without giving my actions little to any thought, I slowly turned around and wrapped my arms around Andy.

I'm not sure whether I was trying to comfort him or me but it was something in between. Recovering from the sudden shock, he slowly wrapped his arms around my form. "Is everything alright?" He asked softly as I pulled away.

His eyes were filled with concern which only made my heart swell up even more for him. I gave him a small nod before opening the door to the attic. "This is the attic, also known as my room." I said sheepishly as I let him in.

"It's . . . cozy." He said as he looked around. The walls were completely stripped of any color but the brown from the wood that made these walls. My bed was neatly made on the right, taking up half of the room. Some necessities his under my bed. A suitcase stood on the oppose side of the room.

A small window was directly on top of where the suitcase stood. The door to the bathroom was a few inches at the end of my bed. It was a pretty small room, only big enough to fit a queen sized bed. I walked to my bed and plopped down softly. "It's not much, but it's where I spend most of time." I said with a small shrug.

"I think it's pretty neat." He said sitting down next to me. I let his comment be the last before a comfortable silence took over. I stared out of the window and watched the sun slowly set. It was beautiful, warm colors ran across the horizon in such pretty swirls.

I slowly turned my head towards Andy, to only catch him staring at me. My cheeks quickly surrendered to a blush. It's a good thing he quickly turned his head to look at the window, embarrassed at being caught.

I let out a small giggle at the action, finding it comical but cute. He turned his head back to me again only to give me a confused look. I shook my head in response with a smile etched on my face. Slowly, his face seemed to come closer to mine until our lips met.

Wide eyed and reddened cheeks, I sat there in all my awkward glory.

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