(ten) when we were strong

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"Molly! Molly!" A faint voice calls from afar. I decide to ignore it until I hear the tortured screams again. My eyes slowly flutter open as I look around. Though the room is filled with darkness, I know it's not the small space in the attic.

I remember I'm in Andy's bed as I slowly get to my feet. Cautiously, I walked towards the outline of a door. It screeched a bit as I slowly opened it and made my way towards the mumbling. I walked down the creaky stairs and saw a body laying on the couch.

Andy's face had tears streaming down as his breaths came out unevenly. What's wrong with him? In a panic, I rushed over to his side and shook him. "Andy." I whispered well aware that his mom is sleeping.

Come to think of it, Andy was loud enough to wake me up. His room is at the end of the hall, how come his mom isn't awake? She must be a heavy sleeper. I thought to myself as I shook him a bit harder.

His eyes slowly opened with his eyebrows furrowed. "It's okay, it's okay." I whispered as my knees started to dig into the carpet. I brought my thumb to his face and slowly wiped away his warm tears.

"Ally?" He dragged out slowly. I nodded before he started to shift into a sitting position. I got off of the carpet and sat next to him. The only sound in the next few minutes was his sniffling.

"You want to tell me what happened?" I asked him hesitantly. I slowly placed my hand on his shoulder in which I hoped was a comforting manner. He tensed up for a moment before relaxing.

"You remind me of my sister." He said with a shake of his head. "Molly." He whispered into the air. His shoulders slumped at the sound of her name. "She jumped into this river like thing when I was twelve." He said as he raised his head up and closed his eyes.

"Oh . . ." I managed to get out before it went quiet again. My hand made its way from his shoulder to my lap before staying there. He opened his eyes again, staring into a dark spot in front of us.

"She drowned that day. We lived inside a foster home, living there for so long led her to a road of depression and pain." He said as he looked to the side. "I couldn't save her that night and it haunts me. If only I knew how to swim. If only I was a better brother to her. If only I was more important to her to be a reason for her to not leave me alone in this scary place." He said before a sob crawled it's way up his throat.

Tears stung my eyes as I let out a shaky breath. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know." I said with a shake of my head. "I live in a foster home too. No one adopted me yet, but that's okay. I'm getting released in a bit." I said with a shrug of my shoulders.

He looked at me with twinkling eyes. "So I'm gonna go with you got adopted?" I asked him after a few silent moments passed. He nodded before peeling his eyes away from mine.

"Yeah, Paula adopted me when I turned thirteen. She's probably knocked out drunk right now though. Her reason for adopting me was because she lost her daughter to her husband when the split up. She was a fairly good mom to me. The best I've ever had." He said with a sad smile.

"Wanna go out for a walk?" He asked as he stood up and held out his hand. I was a bit hesitant as I stared up at him. Slowly nodding, I took his hand in mine and we made our way out of the house.

The stars lit up our surroundings, leaving us to walk in a comfortable silence. Our hands were just barely touching as we walked a steady place to no where in particular. "Please don't try to commit suicide again." He said out of the blue.

I remained silent since I couldn't promise him that. I couldn't promise myself that more importantly. Once he saw that I wasn't going to give him an answer, he slipped his hand into my small one and held it as we walked.

Blood rushed to my face as my heart banged against my rib cage violently. What am I feeling right now? I thought to myself as I thanked the night sky for covering my burning cheeks.

I think . . . I think I have feelings for Andy.

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