(seventeen) the blackout

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shout out to hanners4 for (lol) being a loyal reader. 👊🏻 appreciate the support, comments and votes.

I stared down at Andy's expressionless face. He had bags under his eyes and sweat covering his face and neck. He looked so pale and so fragile. He barely looked alive. My heart clenched at the thought as more tears ran down my face.

"What happened?" I asked in a whisper as I ran my fingers along his face. "What happened while I wasn't here?" My voice cracked as my stomach started to churn.

"Andy, you mean the world to me. I'm so, so sorry I wasn't here for you. But I promise, from now on, no matter how far you push me away, or what you do, I won't leave your side. I'll alwa-" I lost my voice for a few seconds as I lowered my head and covered my mouth from the sobs that were coming out.

Looking back up at his face, I continued. "I'll always be here. Even if you don't return the feelings I have for you, that's fine. It's fine. Even if it takes me being your friend to be in your life, I'll be the greatest friend you can imagine. So I'm sorry. And I promise I won't leave you." I ended, not sure if he can hear the promise I'm making. I sat there with tears running down my cheeks until help arrived.

A few moments later the sound of sirens surrounded the house. Two guys holding a stretcher came in as I stepped away from Andy's unmoving body. They delicately placed him onto the stretcher and carried him to the back of the ambulance.

I blankly followed them, answering any questions they threw my way to the best of my abilities. When we got to the hospital, I was told to wait in the waiting room.

I sat there, and I cried, not sure what was happening to Andy. Elderly and young kids looked at me with either sympathy or annoyance, some even had looks of pure curiosity. I wiped my eyes before deciding to find my way to the restroom.

I walked through countless white almost completely empty hallways unless you count the nurses strolling around with carts or running to different rooms with blood bags or samples. I should've asked the person at the front for bathrooms. I thought to myself as I walked passed a room with an open door.

I decided not to peek into the rooms as I walked down the hallways. But as soon as I passed that room, I could've swore I heard a faint yet surprised "Ally?" I stopped in my tracks and slowly turnt around, ready to peek inside of the room.

Andy's eyes met with mine as all thoughts of the bathroom were forgotten. I quickly walked toward him and wrapped my arms around his laying figure which was kind of complicated and awkward but I couldn't care less.

The moment I walked in, my heart yearned for Andy. He doesn't feel the same. I thought to myself as I took in a breath, and tried to keep the promise I made hours prior.

"Ally, what are you doing here?" He asked with a raspy voice as he patted my back. I slowly came back up and sat down on the chair beside his bed. "The nurse did say some lady was with me, I thought she was talking about my mom." He said shaking his head.

"Andy, what happened to you? I came over and found you unconscious, laying on the floor." I asked trying my best to keep my voice steady. I stared at him, as he looked down and swallowed before looking back up at me.

"I forgot to take my pills, so I broke into a cycle of night terrors and hallucinations from what I can remember. But I'm stable now, I'm on them now." He said the last part with a forced smile. "Everything is fine now."

"Pills?" I asked him slowly.

"I don't really want to talk about it right now." He said with a sad dim to his eyes. I nodded and then a short Hispanic lady with a nurse's outfit came in.

"Oh, I was looking for you miss." She said with a small chuckle. "Well, Andy seems to be doing pretty well and he will be released from the hospital in an hour or so. The doctors still have to make sure this won't happen again. So they're going to talk to him about a pill schedule which they wanted to add you in since you seem pretty close to him." She said in one breath before smiling and leaving the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2018 ⏰

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