(thirteen) hurt

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After the kiss Andy seemed to become more distant. Every time we crossed paths, which seemed to be quite often since we had most of our classes together, I would attempt to talk with him. He'd shrug me off every time and my heart would swell with hurt and pure disappointment.

After a while of getting rejected I gave up. Was it the kiss? Does he regret it? Tears formed in my eyes just at the thought of it. Only sane explanations seem to stab holes in my heart. I was waiting for it to bleed out so I can rest in peace.

I shouldn't have opened up. This is what happens when someone tries to get close, they leave. It's like a sling shot, the faster and closer you pull the ball, the faster and farther it'll fly away.

I started skipping my classes more often after I stopped attempting to talk to Andy. I shouldn't be so sad, I should've expected this. I should've saw this coming. I scolded myself as I walked through the empty halls.

Well, the halls which I thought were empty until I saw two people at the very end of the corridor. Brenda, a tall slim girl with curves and blonde hair was latched onto to some guy as if she was a leech.

The guy looked fairly familiar for some reason. A brown mop of hair who's face was hid by Brenda's blonde hair was aggressively kissing her back. He was wearing black skinny jeans and a dark green v neck.

I quickly ducked into a nearby staircase before things got heated up. I jogged down the staircase before stopping at the first floor. My back was glued to the wall as I attempted at sneaking out of the door.

Almost there. I thought to myself before a voice boomed loudly, making my breath hitch.

"Young lady! Where do you think you're going?" A security guard asked as she took strides towards me. I quickly covered up my shocked expression and jumped back from making contact with the wall.

"It's my lunch period." I said smoothly before she gave me a slow nod and turned around. Good thing they don't inform the guards about the lunch schedules.

Once I got outside, I started walking, not sure where to. Attempting to get away from the school building which Andy was in. As I started my way down the school stairs, Andy walked passed me. Brenda was next to him as he had his arm wrapped around her waist.

They walked passed me as if I didn't exist.

It didn't take me long to see that he was wearing a dark green shirt. The same one that was on the guy that was making out with Brenda a few minutes prior.

My knees almost gave up underneath me as I froze at what I just put together. I couldn't do anything to ease the burning pain in my chest as I held onto the railing for support. He didn't even look back.

Tears clouded up my vision as I took steady steps back to the foster home. There weren't a lot of people out since most were working or in school. Therefore I screamed out all of my hurt and frustration as I kicked random light poles and punched random bushes. I must've looked like a complete and utter psycho.

But I couldn't care less.

Not when the only person who's ever made me feel good walked out of my life with no resentment whatsoever. Not when he picked me up from the black pit I was trapped in, but let me drop deeper then I've ever been. Not when my feelings for him grew deeper than roots of any ancient tree. Not when the thoughts I'm having are equivalent to a severe disease, slowly killing me.

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