The Prince

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Grisha led the Earl to a vast room contained a huge picture of the prince which hanged on the wall.

"That's my son, Eren. He is the heir of my throne. He is so kind, even though he can be a suicidal bastard when it brings the kingdom."

"I'm sorry for ask it, do you know the reason why Prince Eren lost?" Levi asked.

"No one know the reason. He said he wanted to walk, but he didn't come back after that."

"I see."

"Mr. Ackerman, please help me to find him. I'm afraid his mother will crazy because of Eren."

"I'll do my best, Your Majesty. I'll find your son as fast as I can."

"You must be tired. Stay here for a night, we'll prepare the room."

"Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty."

"Hannes, guide Mr. Ackerman to his room," Grisha said. A butler came and bowed, then made a gesture for Levi to follow him. They arrived in front of the room, let Levi stepped inside.

"If you need something, please ring the bell at the night stand."

"I understand. Thank you."

Hannes left, Levi threw himself on the bed, looking up at the ceiling. He missed Eren, and now he wants to go back to Sina. He regretted not listened Eren's words, but he couldn't blame himself because he must fulfill his duty as the noble.

"I hope my little robin is fine at home. Can't wait for back tomorrow." He rolled, closed his eyes and enjoyed his dream.


The rain poured heavily, the carriage couldn't move in that situation. Levi cursed the weather, looked depression.

"Are you alright, Mr. Ackerman? You look not good," Carla asked.

"Well yeah, I miss someone and I can't go back to Sina, it's not good."

"How about you phone your family then?"

"Thank you for your offer but I prefer to wait until the rain is over."

"Really? You don't want to give any words for your special person?" Carla teased.

"That's fine. I know he will fine."


"My first love. Yeah, I'll tell you later about it, my Queen."

"You're such a good person. I hope I can arrange marriage for you with my son. However, I don't know where is he right now. I hope he's fine."

'It's fine, my Queen. He is save in my hands, don't worry and just prepare the marriage for us,' Levi yearned in his mind. He looked out the window, the sky still crying, and the river looked so ferocious.

"It will take a day I think. I never see the heavy rain like this," Carla sighed.
She hugged a small picture of Eren, missed his boy so much.

"Ah right, why don't we play something while waiting the rain? Or maybe you want to see the photos of my boy since he was born?"

"I gladly accept that offer," he smirked. Oh Levi, you such a pervert!


"Oh man, it's the heaviest rain in Sina. Wonder if Young Master will back," Oluo complained.

"I don't think so. I'm sure the carriages and trains can't pass in this condition," Eren replied, folding the laundry.

"That's not good," Kuchel said sadly. "I miss my boy."

"Don't worry, Madam. Young Master will be fine," Eren said softly.

"I hope so, Dear. Oluo, bring some desserts for me. I'm bit hungry."

"Certainly, Madam."

"Eren, may I ask you some questions?"

"What are they, Madam?"

"How did you get at Sina back then?" Kuchel asked. Eren kept silent, didn't know from where he should start.

"The murderer tried to bring me at Trost, but when we were at Sina, I was trying to escape and fighting with him. I could escaped, but I was too weak to move my limb, so I stumbled at the alley."

"Why he wanted to bring you to Trost?"

The brunette shook his head. Kuchel only hummed, then looked at the brunette with eagle eyes.

"Do you know who is the murderer?"

"My apologize, I don't know him."

"That's fine, sorry for asking that. Well, maybe the best thing we can do now is eat some deserts."

"Madam, I bring you apple pie, peach strudel, and Assam tea," Oluo said, placing the deserts in front of Kuchel.

"Looks delicious. Eren, have some with me."

"No, Madam."

"I insist you, Dear. Eat with me."

"If you say that, I can't escape."

"Eren, you look like a princess rather than a prince. Princess suits you."

"My Mom will happy if you say it in front of him, but not my father."

"Hey, Dear. I got a good idea. How about you back to your kingdom with a dress?"

Eren hand palmed, trying to calmed his mind.

'My pride will go away from me."


It was dark. The rain still poured heavily. Levi walked randomly while biting his nail, his patient lost.

"We can't do anything in this rain. It's dangerous have a trip in such conditions," Grisha said.

"I know it, but I can't stand with this."

"You need to rest, Mr. Ackerman. Please, stay for a night and you can leave in the morning. Hannes, bring some tea for him."

"No need, Your Majesty. I'm fine, just worrying about my family."

"Your family? Or about your lover?" Carla said, grinned.

"Yeah, all of them."

"Oh, you have someone suits you?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. He is the cutest I found in this world."

"I want to meet him."

"You'll meet him, Your Majesty. After the darkness goes away."

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