Broken Heart (2)

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Levi looking out the window blankly, his eyes lost their sparkle. The others only kept silent, knew their place to not disturb him. After the incident inside of the castle, Levi lost his love and of course the king's trust. Kuchel caresses his head and let him leaned on her breast.

"Dear, don't worry, you'll meet him again soon. Don't give up so easily like a hopeless man."

"I know, Mom. I just...looking at his crying face makes me feel guilty. I just want his safety first, but I ruined it."

"You're not wrong, Levi. It's fine, don't lose your hope. I know Eren and he'll wait for you. You not going to lose, boy."

"By the way, my dear sister, let's focus on the coup d'etat. The anniversary is about a couple days and we were ordered to get out from this kingdom. What should we do now? Stay here it's not the option, the guards will catch us."

"You're right. We can't let them fight alone, honestly I'm still not sure. Well, try it maybe the best," Kuchel said. She knocked the ceiling twice and the carriage stopped. The door opened and Armin stood in.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm gonna make a deal with you. Come in please," Kuchel said, crooked her index finger. Armin hesitated, but stepped in and sat next to Kenny.

"You know well I'm the king's servant, right? What do you want?"

"That's because you're the servant of King Grisha, I want to ask your help."

"Help? What kind of help do you want?"

"Your kingdom is in danger. Someone is about to coup d'etat this kingdom on your kingdom's anniversary. We were informed it to your king and we were about increase the guardian, but after that incident we can't do anything. So, I want you to cooperate with us and let us to stay hd'etat Anywhere is fine as long as we still in this country."

"I'm afraid I'll say no, Madam. It's impossible because..."

"Oh, you still say no?" Kenny cut his words, put a dagger on his neck. Armin gasped, he couldn't move. "Your choice, brat."

"Armin, please help us. I'm afraid if that coup d'etat will kill your prince. Please, I beg you. I can't let anyone touch him or hurt him," Levi begged, bowed deeply.

"Okay, I'll help you. But can you move the dagger from my neck?" Armin replied after a long pause.

"Then it's deal. For your information boy, this is not real dagger. Just a toy," Kenny said, handed it on Armin's palm and he felt that the dagger is light.

"I'll carry you to my best friends' house. It's a little bit far, but it's the best place to hide." Armin got out and closed the door, talking to Jean and he jerked after that.

"Are you fucking serious about that? You want to die?"

"Just do it, Jean. They are good people, I trust them."

"Whoa, wait a minute, man. They ashamed our prince and you want to help them? Are you lost your mind?"

"Argh, Jean. This is for our kingdom, they maybe can find out who the culprit of this problem. We go now or I kick you?"

"Fine, I know it. Just in case His Highness knows and..."

"And shut your mouth up, just go now."


The carriage stopped in front of a big creepy house, almost looks like an abandoned inn. Kenny frowned his brow and turned his gaze to the blonde man.

"Are you sure this is your friends' place? Looks like a pigsty for me," Kenny commented.

"Ye...yes, Sir. This house maybe looks horrible, but inside is different. Wait a second, hope they're in there," Armin replied. He walked toward the door and knocked it. A few time a dark mahogany ponytail girl came out with a potato on her hand.

"Oh, Armin. Long time no see you. You need something?" she greeted.

"Hi, Sasha. Um...can you let them stay at your house?" Armin asked, pointing to the Ackermans.

"Who are they? Looks like a group of mafia for me," Sasha whispered.

"They're the noble from Rose, keep your mouth. They're...ordered to step out from this kingdom but they need to stay because they know about coup d'etat."

"Urgh, fine then. Come in," Sasha replied, opened the door wider to let the guests get inside. They hurriedly got in and amazed with the interior of the house. Just like Armin said, the interior is different with the exterior. It looks like a mini castle with unique vases stay and show themselves.

"Hello, I'm Sasha Blouse. Armin best friend and the owner of this house. Nice to meet you."

"We are Ackerman, nice to meet you," Mikasa replied, gloomy as usual. "Why you stay here?"

"Because this place is the best place to hide from guardians. No one dare to come here because someone spread a rumour that this house is haunted," Sasha said. "Right, I'll show your room, please follow me."

"Then I'll leave now. Wait for further information, and by the way, prepare your mask because the party is mask party."

"Thank you, Armin. Wait, can you send my regard to Eren?" Levi asked.

"I'll try, Mr. Ackerman. He'll happy to hear that," Armin replied, gave a smile to him. He back to the carriage and left.


Eren sat on veranda, letting the wind caressing his body and tears. He misses Levi now, but his father didn't let Levi and his family stay here or step on the kingdom. He didn't realize Carla came in while bringing a glass of warm milk and a plate of cookies.

"Eren, come and eat something. I made chocolate cookies for you," Carla called. Eren turned his head and leaned himself on veranda.

"No thank you, Mom. I don't want to eat something."

"Eren, don't blame yourself about that incident. Trust me, he'll come back to you."

"Will he? After that humiliation I made?"

"Oh dear, trust him. I know he is the type to fulfill his oath, don't worry," Carla said motherly. Armin came in and bowed, hesitated when he saw Carla.

"Um...Prince, Mr. Levi sent you his regard and he...stays here at Sasha's house with his family."

"Armin, you're the great best friend I ever have. Thank you, thank you." He pulled him and hugged him tightly, until Armin lost his breath.

"P...prince, please...I can't...breath!"

"Oops, sorry. I just...happy to know that he's still here and safely. Right, I should look perfect for the party. Hannes, where is he? I need my pair of suit, the best of suit."

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