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"Woah, you're so aroused. Want to do the next step?"


"Ne... Next step? Wait, I don't want it. This...this..."

"Little robin, I'll not push you to do it. If you don't want, just jerk off. Also, it's midnight and I need some rest. Come on, hold on to me. My little robin, my love."

"Idiot, don't tease me," Eren pouted, leaned himself again and let the dominant played with his. He only watching, sometimes he moaned when his cold skin touched him directly.

"My my, look at your junior. He needs my attention. Should I give this some blowjob?" Levi whispered. Eren hid his face with his palms, but Levi pull it and kissed on his nose.

"Come on little robin, just say what you want and I'll grant it for you. It's fine."



"Please...suck me. Play with me," Eren begged, pointing at his dick. Levi grinned, knelt in front of the brunette's manhood and brought it into his mouth. Moan slipped from Eren's lips, panting when Levi moved his head up and down.

"Le...Levi, ngh," moaned Eren, gripped his hands on to raven's hair. "Fa...faster."

"Oho, you want it more, little robin?" Levi asked, pull out Eren's and kissed his head.

"Don't play with me and do it! Prince's order!"

"Okay, my dear. Calm down, I'll make you satisfy with my service," Levi replied, put in the brunette's manhood and sucked it.

"Ngh...ah...feels good. Ah...Levi...fas...faster!"

Levi slapped that slender thigh and  white thick liquid bursted out, fill the raven's mouth.

"Well, for a virgin is not bad," Levi teased him after swallowed the come of the brunette. Eren's face became deep crimson heard that.

"Do...don't say like that!"

"Forgive me. Well, are you satisfied?" Levi asked. Eren shook his head. "No? My my, you become greedy, aren't you?"

"You are the one who blame it. How about you take a look of Madam?"

"Ah, I almost forget it. Then let's have a bath and end this utopia." He plunged Eren and himself into the bathtub, rubbing each back and cuddling till the knock disturbed.

"Who is that?" Levi growled.

"You dare to against your mom?" someone asked in anger.

"Oh shit, Mom," Levi hissed. He got up and wore a towel to cover his bulge, ran toward to the door and found his mother.

"Hi Mom."

"How dare you didn't say hi in the first time, and now you had sex with Eren? Are you lost your manner?"

"I haven't had sex with him. And sorry, I thought you were sleeping."

"Do you think I can sleep when my poor baby don't show his face? Oh dear, I miss you," Kuchel sighed. He pulled his boy and hugged him.

"Miss you too, Mom."

"Um, sorry to interrupt you two, but can you help me, Levi? I...need my clothes," Eren popped up, covered his naked body with a blanket. The Ackermans laughed, couldn't believed that sweet prince could came out with a blanket.

"Okay, little robin. Maybe you can take from my drawer, and rest assure Mom. I'll meet you at breakfast," he kissed Kuchel, then closed the door and hugging the naked prince.

"Do you have any big size? I don't sure if these clothes will fit."

"It's good then, I can fuck you after this," Levi teased him. Eren pulled out a pants and shirt, then dressed and whirled in front of Levi.

"I think it's fine. Now sleep tight and good night, Young Master," Eren bowed.

'Damn, just marry me and I'll fuck you until you can't stand, little robin!'

"Young Master?"

"Yeah, good night. Don't let any nightmares disturb you," he kissed Eren and let him out from his room. "Be safe at bedroom, little robin."


Knock knock! Eren popped up, looking at the bedroom where Levi still covered himself with his blanket. He walked toward the curtain and opened it, then waking his master.

"Young Master, wake up. It's morning."

"Ngh, give me five minutes more. I'm super tired."

"Fine then. I'll sit here," Eren replied, sat beside Levi and stroking his head. He kissed the raven's forehead, down till his nose and his lips.

"You're the worst, little robin," Levi mumbled. He pulled Eren in his chest and hugged him. "Are you gonna make me horny?"

"Of course not. I just tease you, Young Master," Eren giggled. Levi patted his maid, then got up and stretched.

"Good morning."

"Yeah, good morning. Any schedule for today?"

"Nope. You're free for this day, but Madam wanted to talk with you after breakfast."

"I see. Can you pass me the tea?" Levi asked. Eren got up and sent him a cup of tea. "It's unusual to drink milk tea this morning."

"You need it to relax your muscles. It's the first time I made it alone."

"Not bad. You're not like a prince you know?"

"Because I always play with the servants and they teach me how to make something easy."

"Thanks. Now get out, I want to dress," Levi said, put the empty cup at Eren's palm. The maid bowed and left the room.


Levi climbing down the stair, found his mother waiting at the hall. He increased his speed and kissed his mother after he stepped the hall.

"Can we go to the dining room?" Levi asked, offering his arm. Kuchel only giggled, took his arm and they walking together. Eren and other servants were waiting them.

"Good morning, Madam. Young Master," said the servants.

"Good morning. Eren, please join us," Kuchel crooked her finger.

"I can't, Madam. I'm just..."

"Just sit down, Prince Eren," Oluo said, pushed the brunette to sit beside Levi. "Or should I call, Princess Eren."

"Don't call me princess, I'm a prince."

"Well, you wear maid dress so they call you princess," Levi replied. Eren's face went to deep crimson, he hid his face with a cloth.

"Don't tease him, my boy. Let's be serious now. How about the king and the queen's condition?"

"They're good. But they miss my little robin and asked me to find him. The queen looked pale when I came."

"I know that feeling. But the first intention we need to clear is find the murderer. I'm afraid it will hurt Eren, or the worst, kill him."

"If we don't know the appearance of the murderer, what should we do?" Levi asked.

"Maybe we need Kenny now."


"No fucking way! Why the hell we need him? I won't let him," Levi protested.

"He is the only one who can gather information more accurate and fast. And I think it's not a bad idea."

"Mom, seriously. He is the foul mouthed who almost made us in danger."

"For this time, Levi. We need him."

"For my little robin, I fucking say yes."

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