Chapter Two

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The diner was packed. I had never seen it so busy on a friday morning before. I didn't think we were going to get a table. Until I saw Rhysand wave his hand at us. He must have come ahead and grabbed the biggest table. Rey wiggled out of my arms and ran to him.

"Rey!" I called after her as she toddled quickly into her uncle's arms. I shook my head, watching as his whole face lit up as she called him Rhys. She was way too spoiled. But I wouldn't have it any other way.

I couldn't help but smile as he scooped her up and kissed both her cheeks. She giggled as he tickled her. He sat back down in his seat and pulled out a present. I rolled my eyes, of course they all had presents. I told them they didn't need to buy her anything but they rarely listened.

"You are spoiling my daughter," I sat down on his left, Feyre taking the seat on his right. I watched as she kissed his cheek, his hand falling down to touch her thigh. As always with them a pang of jealousy washed over me. I wanted that. I wanted someone solid and sure.

Cassian sat down beside me. Rhysand laughed, "birthdays are for spoiling Nesta. Especially when the child isn't yours. Don't worry I didn't spend too much."

Rey ripped the wrapping paper. It was a small box and I had a feeling I knew what it was. She lifted the lid and found a gold bracelet inside. Her initials were on the small gold bar. A little star held her birthstone. A diamond. I shook my head as Rey hugged him.

Two years old and she loved jewelry, "pretty!" She said as he put it on her wrist. She kept staring, her gray blue eyes bright as she showed me, "mama!"

I nodded my head and smiled for my daughter. She hugged Rhysand and I heard her say thank you to him. At least I had gotten something through to her. She had her manners and her charm.

"Too much," I whispered as Cassian smiled at me. I glared at my best friend, "did you know about that?"

He shook his head, "nope. Don't worry all I got her was a baby doll."

"Good," I huffed as the waitress came to take our order. She looked familiar, I wasn't sure why but I felt like I had seen her before. She didn't linger long enough for me to stare though. She took our order and left. It was fast and painless, we all already knew what we wanted. She smiled and told us she would be back for drinks.

I couldn't help but notice before she walked away that her eyes lingered on me and Rey.

She didn't say anything when she left, but something pulled in my stomach. Rey was talking up a storm to her aunt and Rhysand. She hadn't left his lap since we got here. If she had to choose a favorite person it would be so very hard for my two year old little girl. Because she had so many favorites she wouldn't know where to start.

Tears filled my eyes as I watched my sister with her. We both looked so much alike that as they sat there I realized Rey could've belonged to them. Although she had no features from Rhysand, she looked slightly like Feyre. They could be a happy little family, holding their daughter and listening to her talk about her pretty new bracelet.

I didn't even realize I was crying until a tear slipped down my cheek. The sight before me was everything I never thought I wanted. I was happy with my life, with Rey and nothing else. But seeing how attached she was to Rhysand and Cassian, watching her little face light up whenever they came into the room crushed me.

I wanted her to have a father. I wanted her to have a male person who would teach her all the things I couldn't. It hurt my heart to know she might never have something as solid as that.

Cassian pulled my hand towards his lap. I shook my head, pulling myself out of the haze of emotions and feelings as I felt the warmth from his fingers seep into mine. He ran his thumb across the back of my hand, it soothed the ache that had started to open as I watched Rey with her family.

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