Chapter Twenty One

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Putting Rey to bed that night was easy. She was exhausted from playing. I laid down with her after her bath and she was out as soon as she laid her head down. I didn't move from the spot though, I kept watching her hoping her dreams weren't scary. Feyre said she cried out a few times last night.

Cassian finally found me and told me to come out and watch the movie with everyone else. I had changed into my own pajamas and shivered as my feet hit the cold ground. He wrapped his arms around me as we stood the far end of the couch. He set a blanket on top of me and kissed my cheek.

I couldn't focus on the movie as it started. My mind kept wandering to Rey, wondering if she remembered Tomas taking her. I kept wondering if she would be okay or if she would actually be traumatized. She was fine during the day, but nighttime scared me. She never had nightmares, but I couldn't stop whatever he had done.

I wanted to live with Cass, I knew his house was the better choice. Because Feyre and Rhysand needed my room for the baby. And he had a room for Rey to be her own. But I was afraid to move her now that Tomas had taken her. I was afraid it would scare her more.

I didn't even know what the movie was about. My mind kept wandering between Rey and Cassian. I couldn't sit still, I kissed his cheek. His hand was on my thigh, his dark eyes went around the room. Finally he sighed and smiled up at me.

"You have to be quiet," he whispered softly.

"What?" I asked confused as he ran the tips of his finger up my legs. After he pushed aside the fabric of my underwear I gasped. I didn't let the air brush past my lips though, I stayed silent as he slipped a finger inside me of.

I bit my lip as hard as I could without drawing blood. Cassian was smiling as I struggled to keep my moans inside. My head fell back onto his shoulder as he twisted his finger at the same time he slipped another one in.

My breathing stopped, "who picked this movie?" He asked without breaking concentration, "because it sucks."

Azriel laughed across the dark room, "well if you two would stop making out every five seconds you might be able to follow the plot."

I leaned into his chest and pressed my lips against his cheek. I gasped, my eyes closing as my hips started to meet his fingers as he moved tortuously slow. My mouth fell open, my toes curled. Between the thrill of doing this in the same room as everyone else and the pleasure that was trying to uncoil inside my stomach I was about to explode.

I felt Cassian flinch underneath me. Suddenly I didn't want his fingers to undo me. I looked at him, pressing my lips to his as his thumb brushed against the sensitive bundle of nerves. I whimpered against his lips. He seemed satisfied with the way he made me come undone so easily.

I shook my head, "I should go check on Rey," my voice was practically air. Cassian removed his fingers and I stood up.

My legs still supported me thankfully. My heart was going crazy and I just needed him to finish what he started. I could see he wanted to too as he adjusted the bulge under the blanket.

"I should help," he pushed the blanket off and followed me out of the room.

I heard them all laughing as we left. It was Mor who sighed loudly, "we've created monsters."

Once we were away from the living room Cassian grabbed my waist and pushed me against the wall. I spun around in his arms as his hand slid up to my chest and I grabbed his lips with mine. I moaned as he pressed against me, already needing him.

"As hot as that was," I rolled my hips against his, "I need you to finish what you started."

He laughed as he picked me up, his hands slipping under my ass. I wrapped my legs around his waist, his teeth pulling against the soft skin of my neck. He moved backwards, carrying me into the bathroom and shutting the door behind him. He set me down on the counter, our moans echoing off the walls.

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