Chapter Twelve

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Once we started we couldn't seem to stop. Cassian and I snuck around during Rey's nap time and any other moment we could find alone. One morning I joined in him the shower before he ran off and spent the day at work. Another night Feyre went to Rhysand's house and we ignored the movie we rented after putting Rey to bed. He used every excuse he could find to brush his hands against my waist or push me up against the counter and silence me with a heart shattering kiss.

Cassian was like a drug. I couldn't stop craving more of him.

Feyre could see it whenever she was home. I was always smiling, thinking about when Cassian would get back. My days were brighter, my heart was lighter. There was a big change in the way I carried myself. Feyre made snide comments, but my sister was happy for us. I could tell she was happy to finally seem some inkling of the girl I used to be She kept saying it was about time we embraced our feelings for each other.

The entire group wanted to throw a party for us. I'm sure they would've if they weren't afraid we would end up sleeping together in front of them.

The last night Cassian had been here, which was the night before, I had been doing laundry. He pretty much lived here now that we were officially a thing. He never wanted to go home and I didn't want him to leave either. We took a moment to do our adult things. I went to do laundry and Cassian tried to wrangle Rey into bed.

I was standing in the basement, the quiet surrounding me. He snuck up behind me and pressed his lips to my shoulder making me squeal. Still I melted into him.

"Look at you, Nesta. My dotting housewife," he whispered softly as his hand moved down my side and then braced themselves on my hips. I closed my eyes and my head fell onto his shoulder.

I shivered as his hand slid across my stomach, "I'm not going to take offense to that," I sighed as he pressed kisses against my neck. My mouth fell open as he kept touching me.

"Fold the clothes fast," his breath was hot in my ear, "I just put the little one to bed."

There was nothing sexier than those words that just left his mouth. I smiled as I turned around in his arms and kissed him. He pushed me up against the washer, the clothes forgotten as he picked me up by my thighs. I wrapped my legs around his waist as I moaned into his mouth.

"Damn. You two could give Rhysand and me a run for our money."

Cassian pulled away when I jumped at Feyre's voice. She had a basket of laundry in her arms and a smug expression on her face. Slowly Cassian lowered me back to the ground, his hands still on my waist. My cheeks burned red from being caught, but all Cassian did was laugh. He was used to Feyre walking in on us. He was used to everyone making jokes at our expense.

"Yes well I know for a fact Rhysand is not as gifted in certain areas as I am," I couldn't help but laugh as Feyre rolled her eyes.

She stepped around us, "I'm sure my sister flatters you and your stamina Cassian. I on the other hand don't have to."

She tapped his shoulder as he thrust his lower lip out and looked at me. I grabbed it with my teeth before kissing him, "I love you and your stamina Cass."

It was those little moments we stole together that made me wonder why I had been so scared to let him into my heart as completely as I finally had. Because these were the moments that were making life easier.

Slowly I forgot about the fair and Tomas. I forgot about his threats whenever Cassian was around. He chased the bad days and kept them away.

I missed him more now whenever he wasn't around.

This morning Cassian left a note telling me he had a surprise for me later tonight when he was done with work. I knew he wanted to take me out on an actual date, but having a two year old made that hard. I didn't know much about said surprise all I knew was that Mor and Feyre were going to babysit with Azriel and Rhysand. Apparently Cassian blackmailed them all into taking Rey for the night.

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