Chatper Nine

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Sorrel told me not to come back into the cafe. She told me to take Rey home and give her the love and attention she would surely need after getting stitches. So that's what I did. I took her home and Feyre and Mor were instantly there, ready to cuddle and soothe all the pain that had been caused to her today. I rolled my eyes as I watched her put on a show. The pain was gone, she had been giggling in the car.

But she loved the attention. I smiled as they fussed over her. Cassian had followed me home. I felt him the moment he came into the house. He stood behind me, always there, always solid. I couldn't thank him enough for being there for me today, no questions asked he just dropped everything and came to me. Even when he was mad.

I didn't deserve him.

I let out a slow breath as everyone fawned over my daughter. I knew I should tell them everything. Feyre watched me as Mor talked to Rey and asked her about her stitches. I knew I should tell them the truth about Tomas and the things he had said, all the new threats he made. But I didn't want to ruin the fact that Cassian and I had just made up. I didn't want to remind him why we had been fighting in the first place.

"So she just fell?" Feyre asked quietly as she came over to me.

I looked at my sister and then Cassian. He was holding Rey now, her head on his shoulder. She looked as tired as I felt. I knew I had to tell them the truth. I pushed my hair out of my face, "yeah she fell because she was on top of the table like I always tell her not to be."

She hid her face in Cassian's shoulder and I couldn't help but smile. Feyre kept watching me, she knew there was more. I looked at her instead of Cassian, "but that's not all that happened. Before she fell, before it all happened Tomas was there. He sat down and talked to her."

Cassian let out a growl, at least that's what it sounded like from where I stood. I saw the anger in his eyes, I saw them narrow as he looked at me. I even saw his arms tighten around Rey's waist.

Feyre gasped, "what?"

Mor watched me now too. I shook my head, "he was only there for a few minutes, talking to her. She told him she's two and that's all I know. He threatened me, but then again when doesn't he," I rolled my eyes, "but you were right Cass. I should've pressed charges. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I put you all in this position."

I felt the tears gather in my eyes as I got ready to break down. I had been so strong today, I had held myself together for Rey after Tomas showed up and somehow managed to make it through her getting stitches. But now standing there with my sister and Cassian I couldn't hold it together anymore. He scared me this time. Because he had cornered my child.

Cassian handed Rey to Mor and walked towards me. He put his hand on my shoulder and then his thumb brushed away a tear, "I won't let him near you or Rey I promise. Nesta look at me," he hooked his fingers under my chin and forced me to meet his gaze, "I'm not mad. It was your decision, I told you that. It's the truth. I will stand by you no matter what."

I nodded, swallowing the tears that kept filling my throat. Cassian pulled me into a hug. I listened to his heart beat, counting the rhythm as we stood there together. It took less than a minute for him to settle me, for the tears to disappear and for my strength to return. I stepped out of his arms slowly and nodded my head, letting him know I was okay. I ran my hands over my face as Rey let out a loud, dramatic sigh.

"Let's go get you a bath and put some clean pajamas on huh?" I pulled Rey out of Feyre's arms and took her to the bathroom.

I ran the warm water as she took her clothes off. She looked ready for bed, but I needed to wash the germs off of her. A good warm bath was just what she needed after the day she endured.

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