Chapter Nineteen

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Tomas didn't stay in jail. He posted bail and went to hide from the lawyers that came knocking. It took me a full two days to let Rey stay with anyone except me. Feyre said I was being clingy, and I knew I was. But I needed to keep her safe. I called off of work and stayed with my baby. Even Cassian stayed home the day after Tomas kidnapped her.

It was four days later when Cassian asked me to go up to Rhys's cabin with him. I told him no, because Tomas had been released and if he came back I wouldn't want Rey here with Feyre or Rhys. So he told me they were going to come up Friday. After Rhys was done work. They would bring Rey, one day away wouldn't kill me. I knew he was right, but it still scared me.

Somehow he convinced me to go. Rey put up a fuss when we were leaving. She clung to Cassian's leg and watching her cry broke my heart. She was never a clingy baby, but she was struggling with letting us walk out the door. She started crying, not her normal cry either. She sobbed as if someone had hurt her.

I couldn't believe she hadn't thrown a fit when Tomas took her. This little meltdown told me she might have actually been affected by the kidnapping. I could only hope that it wasn't permanent. I needed her to forget. I understood now why Cassian wanted everyone to meet us at the cabin tomorrow.

We all needed a break from reality.

"Ashian no go," she cried, her face was bright red. I put my hand on his arm as she wrapped her tiny arms around his legs. I was about to change my mind, to tell him that we should just bring her with us. I couldn't leave her if she was upset, if she was still dealing with what happened. I couldn't leave her alone if she was scared.

But before I could tell him we should stay, he bent down and picked her up. He wiped away a tear and kissed her cheek, "sweetie we're just going away for a day. One day, rey. You love staying with aunt Fey."

She shook her head and stuck her lip out. Her tear filled eyes passed between me and cassian. Her little hand hit his chest, "no. Mama and Ashian."

He sighed. He didn't dare look at me. He knew what he would see, she was breaking me. Cassian looked at Rey and smiled. He kissed her cheek again and then bounced her once on his hip, "what about uncle Az?"

Her lip wobbled as she calmed herself down. She rubbed her eyes as Azriel came into the room. I smiled, "you love uncle Az right? He keeps you safe."

She nodded, her eyes on Cassian, "yeah."

"What if he and Mor stay too? They'll take good care of you, Rhys and Fey and Mor and az. And Abraxos will fight off all the monsters while you sleep. So what do you say? A big sleepover, that'll be fun right?"

She sighed, "mmkay," she rubbed her eye a little harder, "love you Ashian."

He smiled, "I love you too sweetheart."

My own tear fell as I took in a deep breath. Rey reached over and hugged me tightly, "mama. Love you."

I nodded, "yeah I love you two baby girl. Behave for your aunts and uncles please."

She nodded as she reached for Azriel and he scooped her up. She hugged him tightly and I knew she felt safe with the quiet man. Everyone felt safe with him. He ran her hand down his back and she closed her eyes. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it, "thank you. For watching her."

"Of course," he nodded and then Cassian pulled me out of the house before I could convince him to stay. I sighed as we got into the car. Thankfully Az didn't bring Rey to the door to see us off.

"She will be fine. You both need this time away from each other. You need to remember what it was like before Tomas scared you," Cassian grabbed my hand and pulled my thoughts back into the car.

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