Chapter Twenty Three

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I didn't sleep for long. I woke up when Feyre and Rey came into the room bright and early. Rhysand was there but he stayed quiet, looking at his friend in the bed with wide eyes. I knew he felt the same way I did, this wasn't Cassian. He was never broken, never under the weather. He was our warrior, the brute who took care of us. To see him this way, it was unnerving. Rhysand didn't stay for long, but Feyre offered to sit with me.

She got Rey settled down and I tried to wake myself up. I didn't move from my chair, but Rey kissed my cheek and asked about Ashian. Her eyes were staring at him sleeping. This was something she had never seen, the man who had always protected her was in pieces. The man who always smiled and thought the world of her wouldn't open his eyes.

My daughter was scared, I could see it in her eyes as she stared at him. I was just as scared but I had to put on a brave face. So I took in a deep breath and tried to think of something that would make her feel better. To make her believe that Cassian would wake up and tickle her once more.

So I told Rey that Cassian was sleeping and he needed a princess to wake him up. Then when she started to talk to him, she didn't stop. She told him about aunt Fey getting sick because of the baby. She told him how Rhys was always there and stole one of Cassian's shirts. She told him about her day and how she missed him.

Hours passed, time kept moving forward. Life was moving on while my world was falling apart. I was pretty sure the sun had set and was going to come back up again soon. I laid my head down on my arms, listening to my daughter as the exhaustion from the day all hit me. I had gotten engaged, been happier than ever before, then watched my fiancé, my best friend, get shot.

To say it had been a long day wasn't enough to encompass the emotions I had gone through.

My heart slowed down as I closed my eyes. Sleeping in a chair was horrible and my back hurt, my neck ached. I needed to lay down, I needed to actually sleep. But my mind wouldn't stop racing, my heart wouldn't stop pounding. I sighed as Rey's voice started to help me drift off. My hand was still in Cassian's when I felt his fingers move.

My head whipped up faster than I ever thought possible. My eyes flew open and there he was, opening those beautiful brown eyes of his. His eye lashes fluttered against the florescent lights. He winced slightly as he tried to adjust himself in the bed. My mouth fell open slightly as he squeezed my hand gently and then Rey realized what was happening.

"Ashian!" Rey squealed as she climbed up onto the bed. He coughed as she reached for him.

"Careful," I sat up all the way as I felt tears fill my eyes, "he's fragile Rey."

She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. I saw tears in the corner of his eyes as he held her, "mama said you need a princess to wake you."

I smiled as she touched his cheek and he nodded, "yeah," he nodded, "and you woke me."

I smiled at the little moment, my daughter relieved to see my best friend's eyes open. I watched as he realized he was still here with us, he was okay and he was breathing on his own. He was in one piece and his eyes flashed to me. He seemed to relax further when he saw I was too. He hugged Rey, then pressed a sweet kiss to her cheek before she pulled away.

"Wove you Ashian," she kissed his cheek as the door opened.

Feyre gasped, "Cassian! You're awake."

I couldn't breathe, I couldn't speak. I was so happy to see his eyes open, to feel him holding my hand. He looked at me and the tears fell. Feyre grabbed Rey as she climbed off the bed. I heard her usher her out the door. But I didn't look away, my eyes were glued to Cassian. I couldn't believe it, I thought I was caught up in another dream.

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