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3 years later.

Life with Cassian was better than could've ever imagined. We laughed together, we had our routines. Everything was as it had always been and yet there was so much more. Rey grew, she turned three and then four in this house. Cassian started marking the wall with her height. She was getting so big, so fast.

I rubbed my hand over my belly as I sat in front of the computer. I had found success in writing, something I had stopped after Tomas hurt me. Writing had always been my solace, my safe place, but he had taken that away. But marrying Cassian, finding happiness, had brought back my desire to write, to tell stories again.

I went back to school for creative writing. Rhysand promoted Cassian. Rey started preschool. Life moved on and it truly did get better. The darkness gave way to the light and I no longer focused on how awful it had been. The nightmares stopped, it all disappeared with each new memory we made.

Cassian cried the day I told him I was pregnant. We hadn't been trying, but we also hadn't been avoiding it. When I was late, when the smell of bacon made me sick, I knew something was different. Cassian and Rey had their weekly daddy daughter date and I went to get a test. This time when the strip turned pink I didn't cry. I didn't go numb or get scared.

Because this time I was going to have a baby with my best friend.

I made a special dinner that night. When Cassian and Rey came home she jumped into my arms. They gathered around the table and I wasn't sure how to tell them. I grabbed Cassian's hand.

"So I need to tell you both something," I smiled at my daughter. She loved her life, her little cousin was her best friend. Little aurora was a doll and looked like the perfect combination of her parents. Dark hair and bright eyes.

Cassian stopped eating as he squeezed my fingers, "Nesta."

I let out a slow breath, "so Rey. Would you want a little brother or sister?"

Her eyes went wide, "a sister!"

Cassian stopped breathing. His thumb stopped rubbing the back of my hand. He looked at me and I saw his eyes go soft, "Nesta."

I laughed and nodded, answering the question in his eyes, "I'm pregnant."

Rey squealed and clapped her hands. Cassian stood up and grabbed me, wrapping his arms around me and kissing me as he spun me around. I laughed as his big hand came down to my stomach and his eyes filled with tears.

"A baby," he cupped my cheek, "I'm going to be a daddy."

I kissed his cheek, "you're already an amazing father."

Rey came over and hugged us both, "baby! Like rora."

Cassian laughed as he picked her up, "yes a baby like little aurora. But they'll be your brother or sister."

It was crazy to realize that had been six months ago. I was eight months along and Cassian was still as excited as he was the day I announced I was pregnant. He wouldn't leave my side. When I started showing he wouldn't let me lift a finger. I had to force him to calm down, I had done this before.

He backed off slightly, but he was still a pain in my ass. The bigger I got the more protective he became.

Still I forced him to go with Rhysand camping when he asked. Before Feyre and Rhysand had aurora Cassian Azriel took him camping. They stayed an entire weekend in the cabin and prepared Rhysand for fatherhood, giving him one last hurrah. So when Rhysand came and told Cassian he was kidnaping him I forced him to go.

Because he needed one last weekend with his brothers before our baby was born.
I sighed, the text on the screen started blurring together. I closed my eyes as the baby kicked. Cassian was thrilled when the baby kicked the first time. We had been fooling around and his hand never left my stomach. The baby kicked hard and Cassian lost it.
Our baby loved to kick after the first time. They were restless, always moving always doing something. I knew without a doubt this was Cassian's child. Because they couldn't sit still, they were always pressing up against some part of my body. Just like their father.

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