1. Coup de Foudre

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 Coup de foudre is a French expression literally meaning thunderbolt, but often said to describe love at first sight.


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    "Your mother would be so disappointed..." his words echoed in my mind. "CAT!" Ladybug's voice snapped me out of my trance. "Catch!" she shouted as a small brooch fell towards me. I vaulted upwards and caught it just before the victim could take it away. I flipped over the monster and tossed the brooch at Ladybug's feet. She stepped on it promptly and released the akuma. "No more evil-doing for you little akuma..."  she said just before she caught it. "Bye, bye little butterfly..." she waved, then tossed her lucky charm in the air. "Miraculous Ladybug!" I watched silently as the hoard of ladybugs repaired the city. 

"Pound it!" we said in unison as I pressed my fist against hers delicately. "You were a bit distracted out there today Kitty, is everything okay?" she asked cautiously. I smiled. "Of course, everything is paw-some when I'm by your side M'lady..." I said with an exaggerated bow. She rolled her eyes just as her Miraculous beeped. "I got to go Mon Chaton, goodnight!" she flashed me a smile as she twirled her yo-yo and jumped off the roof. I sighed wearily as I watched her swing away. The air was humid and the clouds were thick. They covered the stars and the moon. I shivered softly as a small breeze brushed past me. 

    I hadn't needed to use Cataclysm, so I still had a bit of time left over in my suit. I decided to run a quick patrol, before going back to my prison. The streets were mostly empty. Most businesses were already closed and people were in their homes, enjoying time with their families. "You'll never amount to anything...!"  I clenched my eyes shut as I sprinted and jumped through the roofs of Paris. My heart pounded in my chest as I vaulted and flipped through the air. "You're a disappointment to me and your mother!" I leaned forward and sprinted on all fours, just as a bright white light illuminated the sky. 

I paused and glanced up just in time to feel cold drops prickle my nose. The building I stood on rumbled as the sound caught up. I stood on top of the building in silence. Not sure for how long, but my suit and hair were wet when I snapped out of my daze. I used my pole and vaulted my way off the roof, landing on the floor right by the Dupain-Cheng bakery. I rested my back against the wet wall and sat down just as another flash illuminated the sky. I pulled my knees up to my chest and buried my face in them. 

"I wish you were here mom...." I whispered as I closed my eyes. Tears threatened to overflow as I remembered her smile. Today was the anniversary of her disappearance and I missed her dearly. Her bright green eyes always reassured me when I needed it most. Now however, I was all alone. My heart cringed as I fell apart. I couldn't take it anymore. The photo shoots, the lonely meals, father's absence and mother's memory. It was overwhelming. I bit my lip angrily as tears poured down my cold wet cheeks. I could feel the water drip down the sides of my face as the rain intensified.

     "Cat...?" a small voice made me look up. Marinette was standing a few feet away from me. Tears rolled down my cheeks, just as another flash of lightning illuminated the sky. She was holding the black umbrella I gave her when we first met. "P-purrincess, w-what are you doing here...?" I asked nervously as I wiped my face. She crouched down to meet my gaze. "I live here silly kitty..." she said softly as she held out the umbrella over me. "Oh, right. P-purrincess, you're getting wet..." I said as I tried to push it away. My eyes opened wide when she reached out and placed her hand on my damp hair. 

"If you need a friend...I'll always be here to listen..." she said softly as she petted my head. (PUURRRR) an unwilling rumble escaped my throat. My face flushed a dark red as I covered my mouth instinctively. Marinette snickered. "I-Im sorry, that's n-never happened before..I...!" She held out the umbrella again, silencing me. "Don't apologize..." she said standing up. "I think it's cute..." she said with a gentle smile just as a flash of lightning and a rumble of thunder, shook the ground. My heart raced as I stood up wearily. "Bonne nuit, minou..." she whispered and gave me a small wave just before disappearing inside.

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