11. Lunch

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"Bonsoir Minou..." Ladybug's soft voice sent shivers down my spine. "Bonsoir M'Lady" I said with a bow. She smiled warmly. "How is your arm doing?" she asked as she took a few steps towards me. I glanced at it reflexively. "It was just as scratch, I patched it up myself!" I said as I patted my arm gently. She sighed wearily. "You have to be more careful...what if next time it's more serious...?" she asked as she glanced down at her feet. I smiled softly. "Don't worry M'Lady, I'll be fine" I said with a smile. Her expression softened. "Ok..." she said. We stood next to each other in silence for a few seconds.

My heart fluttered as I studied her. The moonlight made her skin glow softly. A light breeze blew past us, making her hair sway hypnotically. I watched with a flushed face as she brushed a strand of loose hair behind her ear. "Ladybug...?" I began softly. She turned to me curiously. The Parisian lights reflected in her blue-bell eyes. My heart beat erratically. "I uh...I..." I bit my lip. "Come on Cat spit it out!" I scolded myself as I balled my fists. "Yes Minou?" she asked as I turned away. "I'll take the north...you take the south...." I trailed off and turned away.

"Damn it..." I hissed to myself. "I chickened out..." Ladybug walked over to the edge of the tower and spun her yo-yo. "Bonne Nuit Chaton...please be safe" she whispered just before jumping off the tower. I clenched my jaw the entire way home. My heart pounded wildly in my chest as I vaulted over buildings. My lungs burned as I jumped through my window. A lime green light illuminated my bedroom as I reverted to my civilian form. Plagg rolled out of my ring and deflated on the bed. "Oh my poor aching body..." he whined as he placed his nub over his head.

I placed a round box of Camembert next to him. "Oh my cheese!" He exclaimed as he pounced on the box. I walked over and sat down on my couch. I let my head slouch back as I stared at my ceiling. "I couldn't tell her Plagg..." I said dejectedly. I could hear his noisy chewing slow down as he picked up his cheese and hovered over to me. "It's OK, I'm sure you'll get another shot..." he said as he scarfed down the rest of his cheese. I sighed wearily. "She'll never love a coward like me..." I hugged my pillow and hid my face in it. "Come on kid, you fight akumas on the daily! You're definitely not a coward!" he said as he hovered above me. I glanced at him wearily.

"Look kid, why don't you get some sleep and I'm sure tomorrow you'll feel better!" he rasped positively. I nodded and curled up into a ball. I hugged my pillow tightly. Plagg pulled the covers over me then hovered over and laid down next to me. "Thanks Plagg..." I muttered with a yawn as I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Next morning I woke up groggy. "Ugh..." I groaned as I sat up. The curtains were open so sunlight poured in, making my room feel warm and stuffy. "Adrien..." A light knock on my door made me glance up. "Come in..." I mumbled and covered Plagg with a blanket. Natalie stepped in, the tablet in her hands. "Time for school. I wanted to schedule a day with you where we can go find your suite for the gala..." she said without looking up. I sighed. "Not today Natalie, I'm not feeling well..." She nodded softly and made her way out. "Your breakfast is ready" I heard her say as her footsteps descended down the hall.


Plagg stretched lazily. "Good Morning kid..." he said with another yawn. I stood up and made my way over to the closet where I picked out my clothes. I then made my way over to the restroom. "Cheese is in the fridge..." I said loud enough for him to hear. After undressing I hopped in the shower. The warm water felt nice against my skin. I flinched when some of my shampoo ran over my cut. I don't know how long I was in the shower for. "Hey kid you're going to be late for school..." I heard Plagg rasp through the door. I quickly turned off the water and jumped out of the shower. After I had gotten dressed, I stepped out of the restroom.

"Ready to go?" Plagg asked as I brushed through my hair quickly. I nodded as I picked up my bag. Plagg hovered over and tucked himself inside. "Are you still moping about yesterday?" he asked incredulously. I shrugged him off and stepped out of my room. I made my way downstairs and out the door, completely ignoring Natalie who motioned to the dining room. "Im not hungry..." I replied before she could even ask. She watched silently as I got in the car and we pulled away from the mansion.

I adjusted the collar of my green button up as the driver turned the last corner that led to our school. I sighed wearily as we pulled up to the gate. "Let's do this..." I said to Plagg as he tucked his head in my bag. I thanked my driver as I stepped out and closed the door behind me. I smiled softly as Alya waved at me. Marinette stood nervously beside her. "What's up dude?" Nino's voice made me turn around. "Morning Nino" I said as he gave me a fist bump. We made our way inside with everyone else just as the bell rang.

(A few hours later...)

(RING!) The first half of class was over. I walked outside with Nino and watched as he cleaned his glasses meticulously. "Hey guys, you want to join us for lunch?" Alya asked with a smile. Nino's face lit up. "Sure, where to?" he asked as he nudged me with his elbow. "Sure, I'll go..." I said as I glanced at Marinette, her face was flushed. "Is she feeling okay...?" I asked myself as I studied her expression. "Uh...I was thinking maybe...you guys might want to come eat lunch at my place...?" Marinette asked nervously. She avoided my gaze. "That sounds awesome!" Nino exclaimed happily. Alya glanced at me and I shrugged. "I guess we are going to Mari's!" she said as she squeezed her friend's shoulder.

The bakery wasn't far from the school. It must have taken us less than 10 minutes to get there. "Welcome!" Marinette's mom greeted us at the counter. She was a small woman, her hair was raven black just like Marinette's. She had a warm smile and a friendly demeanor. "Bonjour!" We said in unison as she led us to a small booth in the corner of the bakery. Alya sat next to Nino, and I sat next to Marinette who was fidgeting nervously. "I wonder why I make her so uncomfortable? Am I that intimidating to people?" I asked myself pensively. 

"How wonderful to have all of our daughter's friends join us for lunch!" She smiled as she gave Marinette a squeeze. "Maman!" she whined, embarrassed. I smiled enviously. How I wished my mom was still around. "Any dairy or turkey allergies?" She asked glancing at all of us. We all shook our heads. "I'll be right back with some turkey and cheese sandwiches!" My stomach growled in anticipation. "Wow, someone's hungry!" Alya teased. Nino laughed as my face turned dark red.

Nino and Alya chatted casually as we waited for the food to arrive. I glanced at Marinette who was concentrated on her sketchbook. I watched in silence as she designed an amazingly intricate and beautiful dress in under a few minutes.  "You're amazing Marrinette!" I mused. She looked up at me, her face flushed. "Y-you think...?" I nodded sincerely. "You really have what it takes to be a great designer..." I said just as the food arrived. Nino and Alya dug in. I picked up my sandwich and was about to take a bite when a thought crossed my head. 

   "Marinette?" I turned to her. She was about to take a bite, but paused once she heard my voice. "Would you be able to design me a suit for a gala I'm hosting next week?" Her eyes opened wide. "M-me?" She stuttered as she pointed to herself. I nodded. "I really admire your work. I could pay you for your time..." she waved her hand dismissively. "No, I c-couldnt take money from you..." she trailed off nervously. "Well what if I take you to the gala with me? All of the world's most famous designers will be there..." Her eyes sparkled with excitememt. "T-that...I !" She stuttered. At a loss for words, she nodded quickly. I smiled. "Its a date."

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