5. Deja vu

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"Whew, that was close!" Plagg rasped when I landed in my room. I nodded. "Yea..." I sighed as I let myself fall back on my bed. "You should really start mixing up your wardrobe..." he snickered. I ignored him and stared up at the ceiling wearily. My head was still hurting. I draped an arm over my eyes, the sunlight was bothering me. "I think you should stay home for the rest of the afternoon...." Plagg muttered as he rummaged through the mini fridge. I turned to look at him."Hey beautiful!" he mused lovingly as he caressed the sealed box of Camembert. I rolled my eyes at him. "ACHOO!" A loud sneeze racked my body causing me to shiver. I turned around in my bed and pulled the blanket over me. 

(KNOCK, KNOCK) "Adrien? Are you in there?" Natalie's muffled voice made me glance at the door. Plagg hovered over to me and hid under my covers. "Y-yes, come in..." I said stifling a cough. She opened the door slowly and peeked inside. "Are you ill?" she asked when she caught sight of me wrapped up. I coughed weakly. I was starting to feel dizzy. "A bit..." I trailed off as I tried to stay awake. She glanced down at her tablet. "I will inform your father and cancel all of your commitments for this week..." I nodded gratefully. "Thank you Natalie..." I said softly as she excused herself and made her way out.

 Plagg hovered back over to his cheese. "I assume you won't be returning to school today...?" he asked as he tore through the box. I shook my head. "I'll take your advice for once and stay home until patrol tonight..." I trailed off as I let my eyes close. Plagg's noisy chewing was the last thing I heard just before falling into a dark and dreamless sleep.

"Oooh..." I sat up with a weary groan. I blinked a couple of times as I tried to adjust my eyes. My room was dark. I looked for the remote that controlled the lights and turned them on. Plagg stretched lazily. (YAAWN!) "What time is it...?" Plagg asked as he rubbed his large green eyes. I glanced at my desk clock. "Time to go on patrol..." I said as I jumped out of bed and limbered up. "Are you sure you're up to it?" he asked as he eyed me curiously. I nodded, "I feel much better..." I said as I glanced out my window. "Whenever you're ready!" he said with a smile. "Can't wait to see you M'Lady..." I thought to myself as I extended my fist. "Plagg, Claws Out!!"

   I vaulted through the city with a smile. The wind felt nice on my face. My heart raced as I jumped from building to building. Being sick sucked, but at least it helped me get the week off. After almost 10 minutes of sprinting and vaulting, I finally reached the tower. "Bonsoir Minou..." Ladybug greeted me with a smile. She was leaning against the tower frame, her face glowing in the moonlight. My heart fluttered happily when I laid eyes on her. "Bonsoir M'Lady..." I said with a bow. Her raven hair glowed against the Parisian lights. "I heard you were a bit under the weather earlier today...?" she asked as she uncrossed her arms. I nodded. "Everything's alright now..." I trailed off as I ran my fingers through my hair.

          She walked over to me and placed her hand on my forehead. My face turned dark red. "You're still feverish Cat...." she sighed as she pulled away. "You should go home and rest..." she began but I raised my hand and silenced her. "I'm fine M'Lady, I promise..." I said as I took her hand and kissed the back of it. She pulled her hand away quickly. "Yea you're fine alright..." she said rolling her eyes. I chuckled. "Okay then, you take the West and I'll take the East?" she asked as she twirled her yo-yo. I nodded. "As you wish M'Lady!" I said with another bow, just before extending my baton. My face turned a deep shade of crimson when Ladybug approached me and scratched under my chin. "Please take care of yourself kitty..."

A loud purr escaped my throat, making me blush. Ladybug snickered. "I-I'm s-s-sorry..." I stuttered as she pulled away. "Don't be..." she said as she twirled her yo-yo again. "I think it's cute..."  I could feel my face get warm underneath the mask as my heart raced. "Bonne Nuit Minou..." she shot me a gentle smile, just before leaping off the tower and swinging off into the night. I stood there in silence for an uncountable amount of time. My heart raced even faster when I realized that her words and her smile, reminded me of Marinette.


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