4. Purrincess

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"Ugh..." I groaned wearily as my eyes adjusted to the light.  "W-where am I...?" I whispered confused as I ran my fingers through my bangs. "What the...?" I muttered as I pulled off the damp cloth that was on my forehead. That was when I noticed my hand was bare. I glanced at my silver ring. My heart sank when I realized my transformation had worn off. I looked around nervously at the pink walls. "This place looks familiar..." I thought to myself just as a small voice made me turn. 

"How you feeling...?" my eyes opened wide when I saw Marinette sitting at her desk. She was looking at me curiously. I glanced down to see I was laying on her chaise, with a warm blanket draped over me. "You gave me quite a scare Kitty..." she trailed off with a gentle smile. I swallowed loudly. "Why hasn't she mentioned my transformation...?" I wondered as I sat up. "I hope you don't mind..." she motioned to my face as she stood up and threw away left-over scraps of black fabric. I swallowed loudly as she walked over and sat next to me. She held up a small mirror for me to see. My eyes opened wide when I laid eyes on it.

      "You were about to change back, but you were still knocked out so I couldn't just toss you out the window..." she snickered at the thought. "Although it would have been interesting to see if you would land on your feet!" A smug smile framed her delicate face. "It's not too tight is it...?" she asked curiously as I fiddled with the black cloth mask that framed my face. I shook my head. "Although I must admit it's strange to see you without ears and a tail!" We both chuckled at her comment. "I guess it must be pretty shocking..." I mused with a smile. "But make no mistake Purrincess, I'm still pretty feral!" I joked with a weak growl. She laughed and rolled her eyes at me. 

      I watched her curiously as she stood up and made her way over to the desk, where she picked up a small platter. She walked back swiftly and placed it in front of me. "Here, you must be hungry..." I glanced down to find an assortment of cookies, cheeses and crackers on the plate. "T-thank you..." I stuttered as she made her way back to her desk. When she wasn't looking, I snuck a piece of cheese into my pocket for Plagg to recharge. Luckily there was Camembert among the assortment. After a few minutes of silence, I stood up and made my way over to her. 

    "AAGGGH!" she growled as she messed up her hair. I glanced over her shoulder to see she was doing the physics homework. "Oh crap! I totally forgot about that!" I scolded myself just as Plagg motioned he was ready. "Uh..Purrincess? Mind if I use your bathroom?" I asked timidly. "It's that door right there..." she said as she pointed me in the correct direction. When I was in the restroom, Plagg hovered out of my pocket. "You think she saw me...?" I asked him worriedly. He shook his head. 

    "No, she was very cautious to put the mask on top of your magical one, so when the other one disappeared, the cloth one remained..." I sighed with relief as I stared at myself in the mirror. "Still, you should be more careful. This time you got lucky it was that nice girl and not someone dangerous..." I nodded in agreement. "Are we going home now...?" he asked curiously as I took off the mask and washed my face. "Yea, but first there's something I have to do..." I trailed off as I held my fist out. "Claws Out!"

     I walked out of the restroom with my suit on. Marinette was slouching over her desk, her hair was messy from tugging on it. "Here..." I said as I took her pencil from her and solved the equation. Her face brightened up. "Wow Cat! How did you do that?!" she mused, her blue eyes sparkling. I swallowed loudly as my face suddenly got warm. "Uh...it was nothing! You know when you're a super hero like me, no equation is unsolvable!" I said as I puffed out my chest and put my hands on my hips. She giggled. "Well you better be careful Cat, you wouldn't want that inflated ego to go to your head!" she laughed. I pouted, making her laugh even more.

   "I wish I was as smart as you though..." she trailed off as she glanced at her paper. "Well...how about I tutor you in physics as a thank you for taking care of me and not peeking?" Her eyes brightened up almost instantly. "You would do that?" I nodded. "Whenever I'm not out patrolling or getting caught up working for my father's company, I'll be happy to stop by!" I said flashing her a smile. She nodded happily. "Sounds like a plan!" she said as she held her hand out to me. Instead of shaking it, I bent down and placed a kiss on the back of her hand. "Hey!" she pouted as she snatched her hand away. I chuckled.

"You know..." she began as she studied me. "I have a friend who owns that exact same shirt you were wearing earlier, it must be a really popular brand!" she said with a smile as she sat back down at her desk. I swallowed nervously. "Uh..y-yea that's it...heh..." I trailed off nervously. "Well Purrincess, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this Cat's gotta run..." I said as I gave her a two finger salute and ran up the stairs to her trap door. "Cat?" she asked just before I jumped out. "Yes Purrincess?" I turned to her curiously. "Please take care of yourself..." I smiled and gave her an exaggerated bow. "As you wish Purrincess..." I then extended my baton and jumped out of her trap door and into the afternoon sun.

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