19. Kiss

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"Ladybug!!!" I screamed as I watched her limp body fall through the air. "Ha-ha-ha-ha!" Mother Nature cackled evilly. I swung from the baton and pressed my boots against the tower's metal. I pushed my-self off the tower as hard as I could, in order to gain as much momentum as possible. I pressed my arms against my body in an attempt to fall faster. "Almost there!" I hissed to myself as I fell through the air.

When I finally reached her, I wrapped my arms around her limp form. I grabbed her yo-yo and threw it like a grappling hook. It wrapped itself around the last few metal beams, narrowly stopping our fall. "Ladybug!" I shook her, once my feet were on the ground. "My Lady please, wake up!" I urged as I cradled her head in my hands. "Here kitty kitty!" Mother Nature bellowed as she hovered around the tower. I picked up Ladybug and ducked underneath the tower rungs just as she flew by.

"Ladybug please..." my voice cracked. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. "Don't leave me..." I whispered as I hugged her. "Chaton?" I pulled away at the sound of her voice. "Is everything ok?" She asked weakly. "Yes M'lady..." I said gently as she raised her hand up to my cheek. "You're bleeding minou..." I smiled softly. "It's just a scratch, now let's go defeat that akuma and save paris..." I said as I helped her up.

"Cat I'm sorry..." her soft voice made my eyes open wide. "It wasn't your fault M'Lady, lets go..." her hand caught my wrist just as I was walking away. "No, I mean about before..." I watched as her cheeks turned a light pink. "When you told me you loved me..." I glanced down at my boots. My heart ached at the memory.

"It's okay..." I trailed off avoiding her gaze. "Love isn't something you can force on some--" Ladybug tip-toed and pressed her lips against my cheek. My face turned a dark shade of crimson. "Thank you for loving me...and for always being here for me..." she said with a smile just before throwing her yo-yo and swinging back into action. I I brought my gloved hand up to my face incredulously.
A building collapsed right across the street, breaking me out of my trance. "No time to waste!" I shouted as I vaulted my way towards the destruction. "Lucky Charm!" Ladybug shouted as she threw her yo-yo in the air. A pair of pink rubber gloves landed in her palms. I glanced up nervously to Mother Nature who was summoning another electrical storm.

"Uh, will those protect us from that?" I asked pointing at the dark clouds that stirred violently in the sky. "Cat your stick!" She shouted just as water began pouring from the sky. I obliged and handed it to her. I watched as she put on the rubber gloves. "Give me a boost!" I nodded and cupped my hands. She placed her boot on my palms. "Be careful..." I said softly. She smiled "always Chaton..." she said just before nodding. I summoned all my strength and propelled her into the sky. She tossed my stick at Mother Nature, who caught it instinctively. "Nice try Ladybug" she cackled sarcastically.

Ladybug tossed her yoyo and wrapped it around Mother Nature's body and arms, trapping her with my metal stick. "Nooooo!" She screamed just as a bolt of lightning struck the stick, shocking her. Ladybug pulled her in with her rubber gloves and yanked her bracelet off her wrist. "Cat!" She said as she tossed it to me; I crushed it in my palm.

"No more evil doing for you little akuma..." she said to the tainted butterfly that flew out of the bracelet. "Time to devilize!" She shouted as she caught and purified the akuma. "Bye, bye little butterfly" she said just before tossing her gloves in the air. "Miraculous Ladybug!" I watched as the city was repaired within a few seconds. "She's amazing..." I thought to myself as I gazed at her.

"Cat, are you okay?" She asked snapping me back to reality. "Y-yea, I just remembered I have somewhere to be..." I trailed off wearily. She smiled just as her Miraculous beeped. "Yea, looks like I've got to get going as well..." she said twirling her yo-yo. "Au Revoir Minou." I waved as she swung away. I vaulted my way home quickly, detransforming as I jumped through my window.

"Oooh my poor aching body!" Plagg whined as he deflated on my bed. I placed a box of camembert next to him. " Heeyy beautiful!" He mused lovingly as he caressed his cheese. I rolled my eyes as I made my way to the restroom. The cut was still there, and it was pretty deep. "Great, how will I explain this to father?" I muttered as I poured some alcohol on it.

After I had covered it with a band-aid, I made my way back to my room. Plagg laid lazily on my bed, his stomach round and distended.


He burped loudly. "Ew, Plagg!" I scolded as I brushed my hair. "What? That just means I'm satisfied for now" he said as he patted his stomach. "Well come on, we're going out," I said as I motioned for him to hide in my shirt. "Where to?" He asked as he hovered over. "To Marinette's. I need to apologize..."

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