24. Amazing

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"Adrien...? Adrien?" her voice snapped me back to reality. I was still holding onto her wrist. "Is everything okay?" she asked as she studied me. My face blushed deep red when I realized  what I had just considered doing. "I...I..uh..." I sputtered stupidly as I tried to calm my erratic heartbeat. She continued to stare at me curiously. "Merci Ladybug..." I began in a whisper as I let go of her hand. "Thank you for everything you do for this city. For everything you've done for me..." I said as I ran my hands through my hair. "You coward!" I scolded myself as I turned and made my way inside. I watched her swing away just before going upstairs.

     "Ooohhh!" I groaned as I fell forwards on the bed.  Plagg yawned loudly. "What's wrong now kid...?" he rasped without opening his eyes. "I couldn't do it Plagg. I chickened out..." I muttered into my pillow. He sighed loudly but didn't say anything. Eventually, I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

"Get up kid, you're going to be late..." Plagg's voice echoed through my ears. "Ugh...what time is it...?" I asked as I sat up wearily. "It's time for school" Plagg said as he hovered over to the mini-fridge and dug around for cheese. "I'm going to take a shower..." I muttered as I got up and made my way to the restroom.

       The warm water felt nice on my skin. I sighed as I let it run through my hair. After an uncountable amount of time, I stepped out and got dressed in the restroom. "Plagg there's no..." I stopped in my tracks when I laid eyes on her. "M-Marinette?!" I exclaimed with wide eyes as she glanced up at me. "M-morning, I'm s-s-sorry for intruding..." she stuttered as she clutched a dark bag to her chest.

  "Y-your assistant let me in..." she said glancing at her shoes. I smiled softly. "She's so cute, even in the morning..."  I thought to myself as I made my way over to her. "You caught me by surprise. I wasn't expecting company this early..." her face turned dark red. 
"I-I-I'm s-s-sor--!" I raised a hand and silenced her. "No, don't apologize. I never said it was a bad thing..." I winked as I brushed my fingers through my wet hair.

"I-uh..I finished your suit..." she said as she held out the bag she was clutching. "May I..?" I asked as I motioned to it. She nodded. "I hope you like it..." she trailed off as I opened the bag and pulled out the hanger. "Wow!" I mused when I laid eyes on it. 
           The jacket and pants were black. The fabric she had used was soft, yet elegant. The shirt underneath was a dark lime green and it was adorned with a black tie. "I'm sorry if the color's too bold, I just thought it would suit you..." she trailed off. Do you mind if I try it on?" I asked glancing at my desk clock. We still had a few minutes before we needed to leave. "N-no of course not, go ahead!" She stuttered.
        After I had put the suit on, I stepped in front of the mirror. My eyes opened wide when I laid eyes on my reflection. The suit was skillfully made. The lime green long sleeve contrasted wonderfully with the black vest and tie. After a few seconds of studying myself I stepped out for her to see.
         "D-do you like it...?" She asked nervously, her face visibly flushed. "It's amazing Marinette, and really comfortable" I mused as I fiddled with my cuff links. I glanced down to see a small green paw printed on the links. "I actually took a little inspiration from Cat Noir..." she said as she stared at the floor. My eyes opened wide. "He looks really good in black and green so I thought I'd give it a try..." she trailed off, embarrassed. "I also think this kind of green really brings out your eyes" she said as she moved a strand of hair away from her face.

        I walked over and took her hand in mine. "A-Adrien?" She asked nervously as I studied her fingers. She had band-aids on most of them except her pinkies. "Your hands..." I trailed off. She glanced at me sheepishly. "It's ok, I'm pretty clumsy so I always poke--" she stopped mid-sentence as I brought her hands up to my face and kissed them both.
        "Thank you, Marinette..." I smiled softly as I tucked another strand of loose hair behind her ear. Her face turned dark red when I did that. "It wasn't that hard he-he..." she chuckled lightly. I shook my head. "No Marinette, don't belittle yourself.  This suit, your work, it's amazing..." she glanced down, embarrassed. Without thinking, I placed my hand underneath her chin and lifted her face to meet mine.
         "You're amazing Marinette..." I said softly as I gazed into her blue-bell eyes. I could feel my face get warm as my gaze fell to her lips. Unwillingly I leaned in a little closer. "W-we...should...go..." she breathed out in a nervous whisper. Time seemed to slow down as my body moved on its own. My heart raced as I took in her sweet scent. She smelled like cookies.

My eyes began to feel heavy as the distance between us grew smaller. "Marinette.." I whispered as our noses touched. "I...." I trailed off as my stomach fluttered wildly. "Y-yes Adrien...?" She asked softly as her eyes began to close too. I could have sworn time stopped as we continued leaning in, minimizing the distance between our lips...

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