10. You too (Marinette)

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           "What's wrong Marinette?" Tikki asked as she petted the back of my head. I groaned into my pillow. "Adrien got hurt because of me..." I said without looking up. "If I had defeated that akuma sooner he wouldn't have gotten hurt..." I could feel my eyes tearing up. "Oh Marinette, you cant blame yourself for every little thing. Besides, I'm sure Adrien will be fine, he's a big boy!" She said with a smile. I sat up wearily. "Yea, you're probably right..." I trailed off as I glanced at my posters of him.

"I just hope Cat's okay as well, he got hit by a thorn too you know..." Tikki sighed and shook her head just as a dull thud made me glance up at the ceiling. "Speak of the devil..." I said as I made my way up the stairs. "Tikki, hide!" She nodded before quickly disappearing behind my desktop. After I was sure she couldn't be seen, I took in a deep breath and opened my trap door. A pair of large green eyes stared back at me. 

   "Evening Kitty," I said with a smile as I motioned for him to follow. "Evening purrincess, is it not a PURR-FECT afternoon?" he ask with a grin. I rolled my eyes. "Well, it almost was!" I teased as I sat at my desk. A hurt expression framed his face as he placed his hands over his heart. "Oh! You wound me!" he said in a choked whisper as he dropped to his knees. I snickered as he pretended to die. He let out dramatic gasps and sobs before closing his eyes and sticking his tongue out. I walked over to my chaise, picked up a small pink pillow and dropped it on his face. He smiled and sat up. "You're so heartless!" he said with big round eyes. I rolled mine again as I picked up my book-bag and sat on my chaise.

"I assume you're here to help me study?" I asked as he sat in lotus position next to me. He nodded. "Unless you want to do something else..." he teased leaning in towards me. I pushed his forehead away. "No thank you! I think we should just stick to physics for now..." I smiled as I opened my book and we began.

"Whew!" I exclaimed nearly two hours later. Cat had explained almost everything to me and I managed to catch on fairly quick. He stood up and stretched lazily. I got up and walked over to my desk. "Getting ready to go?" I asked nonchalantly as I picked up my sketchbook. He nodded and continued to stretch. "Yea, I have to meet my lady for patrol soon..." he trailed off as he glanced at the time on his baton. I was about to say something, but instead I tripped over the chaise pillow I had thrown at Cat earlier. "Woah!" I screamed as I fell. 

My face turned bright crimson when I realized I had knocked Cat over. "S-sorry..." I said sheepishly as I propped myself up on my elbows. I had landed on top of him. My heart fluttered nervously when I realized he had his hand wrapped around my waist. "You're a walking disaster area, aren't you...?" He said with a snicker. I puffed my cheeks out and pouted as I sat up. He smiled. I was about to get up, but I froze when Cat put his hand on my cheek. C-Cat...?" I asked nervously as he stared directly into my eyes. "You have beautiful eyes..." he mused without letting go. I turned away from him embarrassed. I was used to his advances towards me when I was ladybug, but not as Marinette. "Y-you too..." I blurted out. His eyes widened and his cheeks flushed underneath his mask.

(Beep beep beep)

A small alarm broke the silence between us. Cat pulled out his stick and shut it off. He then stood up and held his hand out to me. "I uh gotta go purrincess..." he said with a gentle smile as he kissed the back of my hand. "I'll drop by again tomorrow if that's okay with you?" he asked expectantly. I nodded shyly as he walked over to my window and extended his baton. "Bonne Nuit..." he said with a smile just before jumping out of my window and disappearing into the night. "You too...?" Tikki teased as she flew over from her hiding spot. "Shut up...I panicked..." I said as my face turned red. Tikki giggled. "Come on, we're late for patrol..." I said as I avoided her stare. "Tikki, Spots On!"

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