3. s a n

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Two weeks later...


Life in South Korea was finally falling into place.

Besides from mom and dad's hectic work schedules that only allowed them to barley make it home in time for dinner. Things were sort of back to normal.

Malia eventually found her own group of friends in her year eleven classes and I've grown closer to Hoseok, Jungkook, and Bayani. Even though we only shared one class together we managed get make the most out of it at lunch. My neighbor Seokjin had recently introduced himself to my parents and Malia. He seemed like a pretty nice guy who could be a bit flirtatious at times but never passed his boundaries. Anytime he rang the bell was usually to ask for me to babysit Holly whenever he wasn't home for pay.

So of course I copped that shit without second guessing. Holly was growing on me as well.

The only thing inconvenience I had with the transition to Korea with was the major language barrier, particularly at school.

Though my assignments were all in english, most lectures were in korean as the teachers barely repeated in english. The only teacher who actually explain it throughouly in english was Mr. Kim.

It was always Mr.Kim.

Mr. Kim was an enigma in general. How could one person be so seductive yet operate with such professonalism....as if he knew the affect he had on me...exactly how to charm me, make me fall weak to my knees begging for complete submission. There was just something about him, something mysterious, whatever it was only made me crave him even more.

I didn't want to admit that I had somewhat of a crush on my teacher. Most females at S.I.A had a thing for Mr. Kim making me feel just as lame as those girls. 

Mr. Kim oppa this! Mr. Kim oppa that! Like shut the fuck up. I made a vow to never call a Korean nigga oppa.

Bayani snapped her finger in my face waking me out of my la la land.

"Huh?!" I was quickly faced with laughter from the entire classroom.

"Pay attention next time Saniya" Mr. Kim said slightly amused by my actions before walking off. Great now he probably thinks I'm some weirdo. Bayani shook her head as she took out her phone secretly hiding it behind a textbook.

Bayani🍭: Someone wants to ride Mr. Kim's diiicccckkkkk🍆💦

Saniya✨: NO I DONT. He's pretty attractive tho ngl

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