6. r o k u

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Taehyung sat me on his lap rubbing the small of my back as his hands traveled up my thigh. My breath hitching while he intensely stared into my eyes.

"Why have you been avoiding me babygirl?" Aggression and masculinity dripping from his voice, his fingers stopping at the hem of my panties.

My brain was frozen trying to figure out what was going on. Everything happened so quickly I was unable to comprehend.

"So now you're mute huh?" He began to rub small circles on the area of my clit with his thumb. I moaned gripping onto the desk before me. I covered my mouth with wide eyes.

"M-Mr.Kim what are you doing?"

Taehyung chuckled connecting his soft lips to my neck leaving little love bites. My eyes closed at the pleasure I was receiving since I knew I was going to be waking up soon.



"Saniya!" Jungkook whispered waking me up from my very wet and very insane day dream. He scanned my face as if trying to figure me out.

"Either you sleep with your eyes open...no judgment there...or you zone the hell out sometimes"

"Just thinking about food honestly" Glancing over to the clock waiting for lunchtime.

"Same!!! I'd kill for some fried squid right now".

"Yo calamari be the shit though" I gave Jungkook a high five. Most people hated seafood while I was a die hard fan.

"You should come over my place after school beacuse my eomma makes the best-"

"JEON JUNGKOOK PLEASE SWITCH SEATS WITH LIM CHAERIN" Taehyung yelled angrily in korean shocking the whole class. His face was pink as well as Jungkook but only for different reasons. Jungkook looked at me in shock before proceeding to pack his belongings and move.

Taehyung never yelled so why was he yelling at Jungkook?

Chaerin moved besides me giving a stank ass look but I really didn't give a fuck about her. Jungkook was the person I was concerned about.

Bayani nudged me once the bell rang as she grabbed my hand leading us to the bathroom leaving behind the guys. 

"Something is up...you better spill it because I ain't no fool" Bayani crossed her arms. "What do you mean?"

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