22. n i - j û - n i

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The heart monitor's steady beats matched the ventilator machine controlling every breath Yoongi took as he lied motionless in the hospital bed. His skin paler than usual, white like chalk. 

His mother, Mrs. Min, sat in a chair closest to her son while Malia pushed her wheelchair on the opposite side staring down at her boyfriend, her true emotions hidden behind her blank expression. I stood behind her. 

It's been two days since the ordeal happened in Busan and we were back in Seoul. My world has changed so much in a matter of just one week that these past forty-eight hours have went by like a blur. Sleep didn't phase me since I desperately wanted to wake up from this terrible nightmare. 

The Korean authorities haven't reached out to Malia and I just yet, perhaps to give us time to recover from the shock. They managed to question Bayani, Jinyoung, and Taehyung this morning though. 

I overheard that they recovered my father's body floating off the coast of the Busan Pier...I got to see my mother alive at least while in handcuffs. Turns out she had several warrants out for her arrest under a load of drug trafficking charges. I wasn't even angry, I just wanted to hug her and see if she was okay. 

Now it was just Malia and I. 

"What did the doctor say?" Malia asked dreadfully. Mrs. Min sighed before responding "She said he underwent a lot of head trauma from the accident so they placed him under a medically induced coma until the swelling goes down" 

"Do you think he's gonna wake up?"

"Yes. I know my Yoongi is a fighter" Mrs. Min smiled to herself before it slightly faded away. "But the doctor said he might suffer from severe amnesia" 

Malia glanced up making direct eye contact with the older woman, though she wasn't crying her face told it all. "I guess that's a side effect of brain injuries...its a possibility he might not have it". 

I shuffled on my own two feet watching my sister take Yoongi's hand into her holding on tightly using her thumb to rub the back of his hand. 

A light knock on the door caught everyone's attention as I turned around to see Detective Lee stand by the doorway. Lee happened to have been the lead investigator on the Kim Mafia case. 

"Sorry to disturb but we need to speak with Miss Saniya Madison at the prescient" His voice boomed with his eyes fixed on me. I glanced down at Malia worriedly. 

"I'll stay here with Mrs. Min and Yoongi". 

I said my goodbyes before following Detective Lee through the halls of the semi busy hospital outside into an unmarked police car. The ride was fairly silent since we both decided to keep our mouths shut for different reasons. It was rather short as well. My eyes glued to the window watching the sun set in the purple sky. A feeling of emptiness filled inside me as I slipped into the night time darkness. 

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