Chapter 12: Where's Chelsea

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"Have you seen a girl that looks like this?" I ask people around the mall it's day two. Everyone's saying no.

"Sir, have you seen this girl?" I hear Andrew talking to some other people. I see Sasha and Olivia working hard trying find an answer. Harrison and a man are talking intently. I walk over to them.

"Do you remember when you saw her?" Harrison asks.

"Yesterday 'round 430." The man says, he's got a mop. A janitor, the perfect person to have see something.

"Do you remember where she was, who she talked to?" I ask him.

"She was walking around this area, she stopped by the soda machine where the pretty sandy blonde-haired girl is." He points and Sasha is standing there. "She was with a man, named Johnson he owns a bunch of the shops and malls around the world along with his talent agency, and law firm."

"Do you have a first name?" I ask him.

"Noah Johnson." He says. "They left together around 530."

"Do you know where they went?" Harrison asks.

"Can't say, they just rushed out together. He was probably taking her somewhere. She seemed eager to go with him. I just assumed they knew each other." He apologizes.

"Thank you so much, you've been a big help." Harrison says handing him a bunch of cash and racing off to get Andrew.

"Thank you so much." I tell him, "You don't know what this means to us." I hand him some more money and get Sasha.

"Thank you." She tells the little old lady.

"We've got a lead." I tell her. "Good day Ma'am." I give her a nod and a polite smile. "May I steal my sister away?" She nods and walks away. "Noah Johnson. Apparently, she found herself a famous man to go home with." I tell her.

"He shouldn't be hard to track down then." She says. Olivia, Andrew, and Harrison join us.

"Operative word being shouldn't." Andrew says. "Chelsea knows how to cover her tracks. She'll have taken them both off the grid."

"Does she not realize she's gone off with a celebrity?" Harrison asks.

"A mundane celebrity?" Olivia says. "Probably not. Unless he's a musician she's probably never heard of him."

"She obviously doesn't want to be found." I tell him. "So, she's going to be careful."

"We can't even trace her." Olivia says. "Do you think she's near water?"

"We could try looking around the lake, the properties there."

"Yeah, James, would you and Sasha do that. Olivia, you and Harrison check out things in the quieter parts of Chicago, maybe get the help of the downworld. I'm going to call in reinforcements."

I get nods from all of them and head back to the institute.

I knock on Vanessa's door. Getting the okay I walk in. "I was wondering if I could call in a few people to help search, we still can't find her." I ask her.

"Who did you have in mind."

"The New Yorkers." I tell her. "They know how to look for lost shadowhunters. They've had to go after their own before. If they can't come that's fine. I want to ask them. And I need your go ahead first."

"You have my permission. Bethany will be taken to the Silent City this afternoon for questioning and to be held until Chelsea returns. Make sure her brother is here by noon to say goodbye."

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