Chapter 16: What is Love?

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I'm about to sound extremely cheesy and corny, but here I go: I don't know what love is, but you make my heart race a mile a minute. My tongue gets twisted when I'm near you. I don't know what I'll do if you don't come back. I feel like Bella and you're Edward, did I use that right? I'm still not so sure about mundane analogies, you help me become someone that no one else can. I can be myself around you. It's you that helped me over come my past. Please come back.


I send the fire message and hope that he comes home as Theo and I finish our loop.



"It feels so good to be home." Bethany says collapsing on the couch of the Break-off.

"Hey, you guys are back." One of the shadowhunters from the break-off says. "What brings you back from the dark side?" She asks giving me a hug, do I know her?

"Hey, they're not that bad." I defend them.

"He's just in love with this girl there." Bethany snorts. Her attitude makes me frown. Even after Chelsea saved her from the demon she's still unwilling to waver from her position.

"They're not that bad." James argues gently sitting next to her. She rolls her eyes and lays back propping her feet in his lap. He frowns at her.

"She's sleeping with you." Bethany spits venomously.

"Stop acting like a five year old Bethany." I tell her. "She saved your life and all you can do is bash her."

"Who are we talking about?" The girl asks.

"Just some Sl-" Bethany begins. I give her a hard glare and she stops talking.

"Chelsea Carstairs." I tell her.

"The girl that slept with everyone?" The girl asks unamused.

"SEE!" Bethany exclaims giving me an equally hard glare.

"Just because someone jumps off a bridge, doesn't mean you should." James tells her.

A fire message appears in my hand. I read it and smile at her analogy, she's trying so hard.


I know you mean well, but I also know you're not ready. You need time, even if you don't know you do, and that's what I'm going to give you. In time, you'll learn what love is. I hope I'm the one that can show you. For now, I need my space. I'll always care for you. You'll be in my heart. I will miss you every second, but for now, it's what we both need.


PS: Your analogy was beautiful.

I send her a response on another sheet of paper from the note pad that I learned to carry, my phone beeps with a new message. Its back to work I go.



I read the message he sent me over and over again. Theo looks at me worry etched into his features. I head to my room and change into jeans and a nice top putting on my leather boots before grabbing Michael and heading out with my messenger.

"Chels," Theo tries to stop me. He follows me. "Chelsea!" I keep walking not sure where I'm going. I just have to find him.

"Chelsea," The leader of the werewolf pack greets me as I go into his pack's garage.

"Do you remember the boy I brought here almost a year ago?"

"The blond one?"

"Dark blond hair, yeah, do you know where he could be?" I ask him, it's a long shot, but not impossible. If I find James, I'll probably find Harrison, or at least know where to start looking for him.

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