Chapter 17: Loving You Slowly

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"Aren't you afraid she's going to leave?" I hear James asking Harrison while he's visiting. "She seems afraid of commitment."

"I'm not worried for a minute." Harrison says. "If she leaves, then she's not for me, but I can always hope she stays."

"Boo!" Theo comes up behind me, as I walk past the library doors where the boys are talking, but he doesn't scare me, he has yet to scare me.

"Hey Theo, I've been looking for you."

"No you haven't, you've been spying on the newbies." He teases me. "So, what are they saying?"

"They were talking about me. At least I think they are. So do you think that I run at the thought of commitment?"

"You committed to being my parabatai."

"And being Angel's owner, but nothing else. They're pretty much right. I really don't do commitment."

Theo sits with me on the floor of the foyer where I stopped after hearing James and Harrison. "It's okay you know." He tells me bumping my shoulder with his. He gives a goofy grin making me laugh.

"Will you two grab a few shadowhunters and patrol the entire district?" Vanessa asks.

"Yes Ma'am." I tell her standing up. Theo heads to the library and I head to the training room. "Sash, Livi; Theo and I are patrolling the district, you want to join?" They agree.

"Can I come too?" Andrew asks falling out of the rafters.

"Sure, the more the better. I think Harrison and James are coming too." I answer, earning an eye roll before he grabs his gear. I head to my room and collect Michael and my own gear.

"Ready?" Theo asks as I put my stele in the pocket of my messenger bag. I nod.

"Lets go." I answer. Theo and the group head out the door. Harrison hangs back with me.

"So how much of my conversation with James did you hear?" He asks glamouring his weaponry as I do the same.

"Enough to know he thinks I'm gamophobic." I tell him turning one of my arrows in my fingers. "He's not wrong in thinking it, I just..."

"I understand." Harrison says taking the arrow from my hand and returning it to my quiver. He laces our fingers together and squeezes my hand. "And we'll take it slow. Really slow. As slow as you need." I smile at him and trace my pointer finger of my other hand along the runes on his arms. "I'll be here. Right here." He promises me. "As long as you need me. I promise."

"Are you willing to make the unbreakable vow?" I ask him.

"You bet." He answers, "And look at you with your mundane analogy." He grins at me, "I'll make a mundane out of you yet."

"And I'll turn you into a shadowhunter, one of the best." I smile back.

"Demons on the west bank." Theo calls.

Almost as one we all pull out our blades and weapons. Harrison lets go of my hand and I run over to Theo. We quickly draw the runes on each other. I watch as the others rune each other and I quickly draw Andrew's runes before we split up. Theo and I head to cut the demons of. Harrison and James go to the back so they can't turn back. Sasha, Olivia, and Andrew go to block the sides.

"So what was that back there?" Theo asks. "You were looking really happy." He swings his blade, the air cutting across it. I pull one of my arrows out and string one before lowering the bow and arrow as we survey the surroundings.

I see movement, "There by the widow," I tell him, he turns and looks he nods and we both advance. "Warning!" I call before releasing my arrow. A demon screeches and I hear Olivia saying something about the ichor.

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