Chapter 20: Angel Blood

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"Dinner." Theo knocks on my bedroom door, but I stay curled up in my hidden attic.

I'm trapped here. In keeping me safe, all they do is stifle me. I can't escape, a bird with clipped wings. A tiger within a cage. I'm losing myself. There's nothing left of me but a shell of a girl who doesn't belong. I'm not the girl I was, but I'm also not the girl they want me to be. I want to be the one to say whether I stay or go.

"Chelsea," Theo knocks again. "I'm coming in."

He peaks his head into my attic nook and gives me a half smile, "Hey." I greet him not looking at him just continuing to stare at the wall.

"What's up, you only come in here when you're upset."

"I don't know, I just feel lousy today I guess." I shrug. I follow him back to my bedroom and we sit on my bed. I don't meet his gaze but stare intently down at my bed.

"Is it about what's happening at the break off? Because right now, that is out of your control. It's out of all of our control. By the Angel we'll be able to stop all of it before it gets out of control completely." Theo says. "But for now, you need to stop taking everything onto your own shoulders and let the rest of us shoulder some of the burden."

"Hey Chelsea," Harrison's voice is kind and he smiles at me as he walks in. "Can we talk?" I nod and stand up. Theo takes my hand and gives me a firm look. I nod that I've heard him before following Harrison out. We walk to the doors of the institute and then to the small cafe down the street. He buys a black coffee and a strawberry milkshake. He puts them both down on the table before sitting across from me. "Drink." He says pushing the milkshake toward me.

"Is this the only reason you brought me? To make me eat?" I ask him, "Because if it is. I'm gone." I assure him. "I don't need you and Theo both pestering me about my eating habits."

"No, I actually came to take you to see some of the break off territory." He says, "Like you asked me to. But you should eat. Because you haven't eaten a real meal in days." I sip on the milkshake he gave me to make him stop pestering me. Only it makes my stomach roll. I draw a rune, but it doesn't help. I race to the bathroom and close myself into the abandoned stall. "Chelsea!" Harrison bangs in the bathroom door. He begins muttering to himself.

"Chelsea." Theo's voice replaces Harrison's. "What's wrong?" I stand up and rinse off my mouth in the sink before walking out.

"I don't know, I don't feel well." I tell him. "I took one sip of the drink and couldn't keep it down."

"It's a little rich don't you think? For not eating for days on end." Theo raises an eyebrow.

"That would bee my fault. I got her something I know she likes to make sure she wouldn't have an excuse not to eat/drink it." Harrison says, "I didn't think about it being too rich for the first time eating in a while."

"I don't feel well." I mumble, I can tell my voice is slurred. I try to step toward Theo but stumble.

"By the Angel." Theo mumbles as he catches me. "Here, let's get you home." He picks me up and carries me back to my room at the institute. The Silent Brothers surround me and talk amongst themselves about me. "How is she?" Theo asks. I don't hear an answer, but Theo's demeanor shifts from worry to concern. Enough of a shift for me to be concerned.

"When was the last time you ate Miss Carstairs?" The brother asks me. I shake my head that I can't remember. I had the milkshake today, but beyond that, I don't remember. I don't know that I have eaten side I found out about what's going on. Theo nods and the brothers take their leave. Sasha and Olivia come in moments later and sits with me to make me eat what Theo brings in.

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