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Sydney had a problem.

She'd arrived in Atlanta two days ago, and she still hadn't spoken to her boyfriend. Not from lack of trying- she'd lost count of the times she'd called him, of the voicemails left, of the texts sent. She'd tried. He just wasn't responding.

Axl had been the only thing keeping her from driving to Chandler's house, truly. When asked, he'd assure her he didn't know what was going on, but he kept telling her that confronting the boy face to face was a bad idea, and she was forced to believe him. So, all she could do was hope he'd break, eventually.

What she didn't expect, and couldn't have guessed, was to wake up to a voicemail left in the middle of the night, from the one number she'd wished would call.

"Hey. Sorry I'm doing this here, I just don't, uh... I don't think I can see you right now. I saw the messages, back in Paris, when you asked me to text him. I get it. He loves you. I'm not gonna act like it doesn't hurt, that you'd throw us away like that, but I think I can live with it. I'm not angry. Honestly, I saw this coming. You're too good for me and you figured it out. I hope Kyle treats you well-"

The recording cut out there, the beep from the phone stopping his voice.

At first, Sydney was confused. It didn't quite register in her brain, the claim her boyfriend had just made, the assumption that she'd cheated, or that it had been with Kyle of all people. She listened to the voicemail again, but only by the third repeat did the panic settle in. She barely realized her fingers were trembling as she called him back, phone clutched tightly in her hand.

When he didn't answer, she tried again. And again. "Hey, it's Chandler. Sorry I couldn't pick u-" By the third ring of his voicemail, she felt like throwing her phone against the wall. Instead, she switched to texting. She noticed the shaking of her fingers this time.

pick up your phone please
[READ: 09:12 AM]

it's not kyle
the texts weren't from kyle
pick up the phone
[READ: 09:18 AM] 



welp this is short and late but the educational system's a little bitch so gimme a break

also biTCH told y'all kyle's a good egg hA none of u believe me.... and yet... someone else still loves sydney... wonder who..

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